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Compare FLYR Hospitality

Revenue Management Systems vendor comparison between FLYR Hospitality . Find out which Revenue Management Systems is right for you based on realtime data from 170 verified hotelier reviews across 36 countries.

FLYR Hospitality

FLYR Hospitality

Ranked 8 (out of 65)

170 reviews
View profile

Ratings Summary

HT Score

FLYR Hospitality

85 HTScore Icon

FLYR Hospitality

170 verified reviews
Likelihood to Recommend

FLYR Hospitality

Ease of Use

FLYR Hospitality


FLYR Hospitality


FLYR Hospitality

Customer Support

FLYR Hospitality


Verified Customer Support

Certificate of Excellence

FLYR Hospitality


Pricing Optimization

Price Explanation

Enterprise Business Guidelines

Alternate Stay Date Recommendations

Alternate Property Reccomendations

Real-time price optimization

Dynamic Price Hierarchy Control

Open Pricing

Guided workflows

"What-if" scenario analysis

Dynamic Pricing

Set Boundaries

Manage Exceptions

Group Pricing

Manage Restrictions

Manage Sell-Outs & Cancellations

Business Mix Optimization

Define Cycles

Yield Room Types Individually

Bulk Adjustments

24-Months Pricing & Forecasting

Market Intelligence & Forecasting

Five-Year Forecasting

365-Day Forward Pricing

STR Data

18-Month Forward Pricing

Price sensitivity modeling

Multi-Property Dashboard

Market Intelligence Data

Interactive Customizable Dashboards

Future Market Demand Data

Financial Forecast Builder

Dashboards & Reporting

Custom Reports

Scheduled Reports

Lost Business Data

Analytics dashboard

Interactive Customizable Dashboards

Market Insights Reporting

Pickup Analysis

Booking Pattern Analysis

Event Data

Price Change Logs

Customizable Notifications & Alerts

Displacement Analysis

Group Pricing & Evaluation

Multi-Property Dashboard


Controlled Automation/Algorithm Customization

Automated Room-Type Pricing

Fully automated revenue management

Dynamic Pricing

AI Optimization

Automatic Pricing Updates

Multi-Property Functionality

Inventory Management

Multi-property Management

Multi-Property Dashboard

Group Business

Group Pricing & Evaluation

"What-if" scenario analysis

Displacement Analysis


Open API

Channel Manager

Business Intelligence

STR Data

Property Management System


Group pricing & evaluation

Mobile App

Smart Spreading Technology

Single Sign-On

Mobile Friendly Design

FLYR Hospitality

Pricing Optimization

Market Intelligence & Forecasting

Dashboards & Reporting


Multi-Property Functionality

Group Business




Top 3 Segments

FLYR Hospitality

Hostels - 26%
Boutiques - 19%
Branded Hotels - 10%
Featured clients

FLYR Hospitality

Fit Score for Your Property

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Pricing Benchmark


This product is priced in line with the average product in the category which is usually an indicator that it is a standard product with standard functionality designed for typical operations and use cases and properties.

FLYR Hospitality Average FLYR Hospitality

FLYR Hospitality

This product is priced in line with the average product in the category which is usually an indicator that it is a standard product with standard functionality designed for typical operations and use cases and properties.

What Customers Are Saying

Most Recent Review

FLYR Hospitality

A great tool that saves a lot of time.

Sales & Marketing Executive from Palm - Eagle Beach (Caribbean)
Most Positive Review

FLYR Hospitality

Save time with price updates, important revenue data at one place.

Head of Revenue Dept
Most Critical

FLYR Hospitality

A system that really helped me saving time with duties. The system's graphs visual presentation are easy to analyze and useful for planing strategies.

Revenue Manager from (Sweden)

FLYR Hospitality

Siim Karu
Head of Revenue Manager Generator London

David van Erkelens
Revenue Manager Teleport Amsterdam Hotel

Anika Jacobs
Owner Cocomama

David-Friedemann Henning
CEO Hotel Big Mama

Liutauras Vaitkevicius
General Manager Good Hotel London

Joe Imholz
Owner Generation YMCA Hostel

General Info