Review of M3

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EVP sales from 500+ Zimmer Branded Hotels in Indianapolis (United States of America)
vor 4 Monaten
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
M3 Accounting Core löst das Problem der Anzeige mehrerer Hotelmarken in einem einheitlichen Format. Alle Abteilungen auf Hotel- und Unternehmensebene sehen gleichzeitig dieselben Informationen.
Was gefällt Ihnen nicht oder könnte verbessert werden?
Erstellen Sie eine extrem vereinfachte Berichtsfunktion, die alle Hotelmetriken für die drei primären Metriken (Occ, Adr, RevPar) auf einer Seite bereitstellt und daneben STR-Metriken importiert.
Sehr gut
Alex C. from M3 replied
Thank you for sharing your experience with us! It’s great to know that M3 Accounting Core is helping you view multiple hotel brands in a unified format and keeping everyone—whether on the hotel or corporate level—on the same page. That kind of consistency is definitely what we aim for! I also appreciate your suggestion for an ultra-simplified report feature with key metrics like Occupancy (Occ), Average Daily Rate (ADR), and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) all in one place, alongside STR (Smith Travel Research) metrics. That’s a fantastic idea, and I believe that is on our M3 Insight™ software. We also support custom dashboard creation along with our extensive array of pre-built dashboards. It is an excellent way to provide a quick snapshot for decision-making. Thanks again for the feedback, and please feel free to reach out with any other thoughts or ideas. We’re always here to help make M3 even better for you!