
Tackling Price Disparities on Your Hotel’s Website

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Controlling the price of your hotel’s rooms online is a vital part of improving your direct channel performance. If potential guests can find lower rates on OTAs or other third party channels, chances are they will book there instead. To avoid having users leave your website, it is crucial to reassure them you are offering the best available rate, right from the moment they land on your site. By providing clear communication about your rates and taking relevant action when your rates are being undercut, you will be able to combat price disparities and boost your direct bookings.


  • Keep track of your hotel's competitiveness
  • Make sure you offer the best available rate, always
  • Show relevant messages throughout the booking journey

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the The Hotels Network team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Hotel Rate Parity and which is right for your hotel.