
How to Capture More Revenue with Automated Pricing


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Are you charging enough for your rooms? Are you missing out on bookings? Why did the hotel across the street increase its rates – what do they know you don’t? This guide – written explicitly for the independent hotelier – will explain the concept, strategies and benefits of automated hotel pricing. We’ll explain everything you need to know, whether you own a boutique hotel, inn, or hostel, manage a small hotel group, or oversee a collection of vacation rentals. We’ll show you why automated pricing is the secret to capturing more bookings, higher room rates, and more revenue every day, even while you sleep. That is if you have time for sleep.


  • Earn More Revenue While You Sleep How Competitive Is Your Pricing? Dynamic Pricing: Aligning Rates with Market Demand
  • Obstacles to Dynamic Pricing Automated Pricing: A Game Changer How Does Automated Pricing Work? Benefits of Automated Pricing Pricing Strategies to Boost Performance Features to Prioritize in Pricing Software Now Is the Time to Embrace Automated Pricing

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the RoomPriceGenie team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Revenue Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.