DerbySoft 使旅游公司能够通过技术和创新合作。作为高性能酒店分销的领先供应商,DerbySoft 通过 Connectivity Suite 连接供应商和分销商。 DerbySot 还通过数字营销套件为供应商提供解决方案,该套件使用机器学习和丰富的数据来推动高效的营销活动。
Recommended by 8 hoteliers
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All Hotel Metasearch Management Software ProductsGDS advertsing across all major GDSs. With Amadeus you'll be able to: - Capture the attention of travel sellers on any GDS. - Target travel agents of your choice via PCC - Benefit from experts who manage >80% of GDS hotel ads
Metasearch sites are a good option for generating more website visits and direct reservations. Thanks to the metasearch platforms, guests can compare not only various hotel offers, but also intermediary providers for each accommodation. With Google, Triva...
<p>With easy-to-understand pricing, direct access to your campaign optimization specialist, and on-demand data insights, you’re in the driver’s seat.</p>
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We are working with MyHotelShop in regards to Metaserach. They have helped us with getting our IBE onto the meta s...
您是否知道大约 75% 的旅行者使用元搜索引擎来查找酒店和在线预订?你怎么能分得一杯羹? Demand Plus 将这些旅行者带到您的直接渠道。您拥有预订权,可以通过追加销售来建立客户忠诚度并增加收入,同时减少您对第三方渠道的依赖。忘记设置、投标和计费的麻烦,我们会处理一切,您只需为完成的住宿付费。
Siteminders 工具对我们酒店的成功起到了不可估量的作用。报告和收益工具非常有效和准确,有助于整体成功。物业 PMS 和 OTA 之间的准确性没有问题。我推荐 Siteminder
Owner in Thành phố Phú Quốc (Vietnam)
销售宣传非常精彩。他们会将元搜索引至我们的网站和谷歌链接。费用仅为实际预订量的 15%。
General Manager in
Co-Director / Co-Owner
We use Wihp’s meta search tool in order to place rates and availabilities throughout a variety of search sites suc...
Directeur général
- UX - Very trustworthy - Good return Nothing to add, the tool is very good ! We use it on our hotel since 2015 a...
Avvio offer strong booking engine software and I've been impressed with how they seek to improve in an ongoing bas...
General Manager
Avvio understands the hotel business. They deliver impactful website design and functionality along with a full ...
ADARA is the worlds largest marketing and insights platform that transforms loyalty, search and booking data into actionable knowledge that allows companies to better understand, reach and engage customers. The ADARA Magellan platform is fueled by first p...
Hotelchamp Metasearch is here to make your direct channel your strongest. Significantly decrease your spend on commission and build a recurring relationship with your guests. Increase your hotel's visibility on Google Hotel Ads and all relevant metasearch...
General Manager
One of the best companies for e-commerce and e-sales in the hotel sector in Germany. Our sales figures and the con...