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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Hostelle in London spends only 15 minutes daily on checking their pricing, after implementing RoomPriceGenie.
RoomPriceGenie helps hostels automate their pricing by working around the clock to maximize their revenue and keep them competitive. Time saved thanks to RoomPriceGenie can be invested into taking care of other aspects of the business.
Save time: The manager of the Hostelle in London, Charlotte Gapps, wanted to streamline the pricing process and save time. She used to spend nine hours a week on research, calculations and price adjustments!
More accurate pricing: They used to miss out on revenue opportunities since they couldn't spend 24/7 on adjusting pricing. What's more, it was very hard to figure out a sweet spot for their prices.
Make job easier: Charlotte wanted a solution that would not only save time but also give insights that could help her make informed decisions, making her work as a manager easier.