
The Complete Revenue Management Playbook for Casinos


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Casinos have a much more complex revenue picture than your typical hotel. Long gone are the days when gambling and buffets were the top attractions. Casinos have now become integrated resorts, taking the “something for everyone” approach that’s managed to keep the industry growing at a steady clip for the past decade. As the industry continues to emerge from the pandemic-related downturn, the prospects are bright. More jurisdictions are legalizing sports betting and online gaming, which gives casinos much more flexibility in building their businesses. Casinos can become the bridge from the virtual to the physical, offering in-person experiences that rival the best in the world, while still engaging with emerging trends in interactive gaming and online betting. The revenue dynamics are clearly complex. And that’s why industry-leading casinos have a holistic revenue management strategy that prioritizes total resort profitability. In this playbook, we’ll break down the components of successful revenue management for casinos, from unleashing your data, encouraging loyalty, thinking beyond gaming, and analyzing results.


  • Foster collaboration to optimize your revenue management.
  • Analyze your tech stack and fill in any gaps.
  • Clearly define your diverse segments.
  • Master loyalty with a CDP.
  • Forecast future demand to maximize profits
  • Understand and take advantage of trends

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