通过 HTR 的每月通讯 theRewind 了解最新的酒店技术提示、趋势和见解
加入来自 Accor、Marriott、Viceroy、Shangri-La、Rosewood、Expedia 和 AirBnB 等顶级品牌的 50,237 位高管,每月一次将最新的创新和见解发送到您的收件箱。
The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
How Aplend Apartments & Resorts Leverages Mews to Be More Agile & Try Out New Tools through Mews Marketplace
It’s a scalable solution that allows multiple properties to onboard concurrently, which is exactly what Aplend did with five of their properties in Spring 2019.
Structured Multi-property Onboarding: Historically, changing PMS was time a consuming and stressful process for everyone involved.
Speedy new staff training: Hospitality typically has a high rate of staff turnover, meaning lots of time and resource is spent training new team members.