通过 HTR 的每月通讯 theRewind 了解最新的酒店技术提示、趋势和见解
加入来自 Accor、Marriott、Viceroy、Shangri-La、Rosewood、Expedia 和 AirBnB 等顶级品牌的 50,237 位高管,每月一次将最新的创新和见解发送到您的收件箱。
RBH Management Independent hotel collection strategically partnered with The Guestbook by leveraging the power of cashback
The properties leveraged different resources available from The Guestbook to achieve their direct booking initiatives.
Enhanced Direct Bookings: Shift bookings from expensive OTA's and third parties to direct channels.
Strengthened Guest Loyalty: Foster lasting relationships with guests through personalized experiences and loyalty rewards, resulting in a high rate of returning guests.
Continuous Business Growth: Drive sustained revenue growth by leveraging The Guestbook's additional marketing tools and best practices to optimize marketing efforts and attract a diverse range of guests.