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Kronen Hotels: How The Norwegian Hotel Group Increased Its ADR By 20%
In the past, revenue analysts at Kronen Hotels would manually track market developments and create extensive reports. Then, together with the hotels’ general managers and the head office, they discussed pricing changes and revenue tactics. While this brought results, Chris wanted a more efficient process. His goal was to automate repetitive tasks like data collection and free up time to fine-tune the group’s revenue management strategies.
Implementing modern technology: The first thing Kronen Hotels did was to work with Innovation Norway, the national development bank, to create and implement a plan for the company’s complete digital transformation. The first step was to build a digital platform with an open API as a basis for the group’s tech stack. Here, the aim was to allow each of the hotels to connect the systems needed for their operations.
Improving revenue management processes: Kronen Hotels rolled out Atomize in April 2022, just as travel restrictions were ending for good. An automated RMS that offers real-time rate suggestions proved to be an invaluable tool during this phase of skyrocketing demand.
Automating manual tasks: The pandemic made it hard for hospitality businesses to offer stable and secure jobs that attract great people. But even here, technology can be part of the solution. Kronen Hotels used new systems to automate boring manual tasks and lighten the load on the team’s shoulders. That makes work more fun, less stressful and leaves more time for the most important task – looking after the guests.