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Operations で人気
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Guest Experience で人気
The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Mastering Digital Transformation: How OREA Hotels & Resorts Owns the Customer Journey with HotelTime Solutions
OREA's hotel tech stack currently includes: HotelTime PMS, Vento ePOS, Libero SPA, Confero MICE HotelTime API to accounting system Own data storage and MyOREA guest app Automated payments with Adyen Grit - integration for automatic stocking Channel manager and web booking engine D-edge Locking system Czech Kiosk self-service reception HotelTime Housekeeping and Maintenance application Integration to revenue management system Atomize and Hotellab STR benchmarking Integration to online voucher shop Automatic export for foreign police Document readers TrustYou reputation management Medicus system for medical records management
Brand building: OREA's previous on-premise system was holding OREA back. That's why they undertook a comprehensive re-evaluation of hotel tech in order to elevate the brand.
"Own the customer": At OREA, they want to have 100% control over the guest experience at every stage of their journey. This strategy required the unification of different systems and tools, which was only possible with the robust HotelTime PMS system. Through integration and API connectivity, OREA was able to efficiently manage guest data, build their own loyalty program, and even develop their own guest app - MyOREA.
Own platform on top: OREA decided to develop a platform on top of the PMS, which includes its own CRM system, MyOREA application and advanced reporting. MyOREA allows guests to not only manage their reservations, but also to earn points and view invoices from all hotels across the chain. The system is connected to the PMS and other APIs allowing guests’ activity to be tracked, such as restaurant visits or use of other services. OREA also uses performance data from HotelTime Solutions to create custom reports that are key to management decisions. This information helps define strategy and optimise service offerings.