毎週のニュースレター「Hotel Tech Insider」を購読する
Accor、Marriott、Viceroy、Shangri-La、Rosewood、Expedia、AirBnB などのトップ ブランドの 100,000 人のエグゼクティブに加わり、最新のイノベーションと洞察を週に 1 回メールで受け取りましょう。
Operations で人気
Revenue Management で人気
Marketing で人気
Guest Experience で人気
The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
How the Clarion Hotel & Suites Winnipeg Reduced Fraud & Chargebacks With Canary
Canary's PCI compliant Digital Authorizations solutions helps stops fraud and chargebacks before they occur.
Reduce chargebacks and fraud: Chargebacks and fraud were an occasional concern for the management team at the Clarion Hotel & Suites Winnipeg.
Become PCI compliant: The Clarion Hotel & Suites Winnipeg recognized the need to improve data security and work with a solution that was PCI compliant.