Operations で人気
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Guest Experience で人気
The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Dream Hollywood Embraces Changing Guest Preferences and Implements Contactless Check-In
Today's guests are more comfortable with technology than ever and they expect outstanding, mobile-friendly digital experiences.
A More Streamlined Check-In: Davis wanted to created a better guest experience by allowing guests to check-in from their mobile devices before they got to the hotel, making arrival interactions more personal and friendly.
Increase Upsell Revenue: By deploying Canary's Guest Management System, Davis wanted to increase upsell and add-on revenue with a user-friendly, dynamic solution that enabled them to push offers throughout the guest journey.
Increase Guest Satisfaction Scores: Davis wanted to increase guest satisfaction scores by up-leveling the digital experience the Dream Hollywood provided to guests and capturing more positive reviews as they checked out.