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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Hotel Arena on Out-pacing Comp Set
The team used Duetto to build out short-term forecasts that could better gauge consumer confidence. Revenue was optimized by yielding on room types, with incremental changes in price in line with market demand.
Short-term Forecasting: The hotel used the Duetto short-term forecast In order to navigate through the uncertain demand caused by COVID-19. The team started with forecasting on just two weeks of data, pushing out to three weeks once the hotel reopened. As demand returns, the team will extend the data window.
Yielding on Room Types: Using GameChanger, the hotel adopted minimum yield increments between its room types, with Supreme rooms yielding at least €20 more and Suites €75 more than BAR level. In periods of high demand Duetto will automatically increase on those increments.
Daily Pick-up Reporting: Using ScoreBoard, the team created a tailored pick-up report, which is accessed daily, in order to monitor future ADR. New pricing rules are based on that report.