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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
The owner of Hotel Oasis, Hector Sarmiento, has peace of mind about his room prices using RoomPericeGenie.
RoomPriceGenie takes the guesswork out of pricing your rooms. The application integrates with the hotels' Property Management System to automatically check, calculate and update your rates, making the system fully automated.
Save time: The manual work was too time-consuming. Hector needed a solution that saved him time.
Remove the guesswork: Doing his prices manually was too much of a guessing game for Hector. He needed to make sure his pricing was right.
Stay within budget: Since Hector runs a smaller hotel, staying within the budget was a significant requirement and objective.