Operations で人気
Revenue Management で人気
Marketing で人気
Guest Experience で人気
The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Clementine Hotel & Suites leveraged the power of cashback rewards to achieve a 40% increase in conversion
The property leveraged different resources available from The Guestbook to achieve their direct booking initiatives.
Increased Guest Loyalty: Recognizing the importance of attracting price-conscious guests, the hotel took a strategic step in 2019 by forming a partnership with The Guestbook.
Enhanced Direct Bookings: Shift bookings from expensive OTA's and third parties to direct channels.
Continuous Business Growth: Drive sustained revenue growth by leveraging The Guestbook's additional marketing tools and best practices to optimize marketing efforts and attract a diverse range of guests.