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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
The Power Of Smart Revenue Technology: Ligula Hospitality Group Increases RGI For One Of Their Brands By 20% YOY
The properties of Ligula implemented Atomize RMS to drive revenue and further topline growth. The Atomize solution has managed to do so by optimizing rates 24/7/365 for all room types so that the Ligula properties can make the most of every demand shift and market trend.
Increase efficiency: Ligula has managed to save a lot of time by implementing automated price adjustments and removing the tedious task of manual price setting.
Maximize revenue with input: Ligula can influence the pricing range for a specific day or period ahead of that stay date’s pick-up window. Once they enter that arrival date’s booking window, the user can rely on the system to make pricing recommendations within the minimum and maximum prices they specified. This gives Ligula more chances to maximize their properties’ revenue by guiding the algorithm but without restricting it too much. If we believe that we’re heading into a day or period with a certain amount of demand, we can influence the RMS in that direction. And if the actual demand is higher or lower than what we anticipated, the system has the flexibility to pick optimal rates within that range rather than being forced to stick with a pre-set price.