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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Tech Investment Boosts Revenue For Helios Hotels
Duetto’s GameChanger enabled Helios to create pricing rules which, with high demand, widened the gap between their own channels and OTA channels, and with low demand lowered the gap between them.
Using Short-Term Forecasting: Duetto’s short-term forecast enabled Helios to put more weight on short-term pick up and pace rather than relying on same time last year comparisons.
Using Open Pricing: GameChanger allowed Helios to create pricing rules which widen the gap between their channels and OTA channels with high demand and lower the gap between them with low demand.
Using AutoPilot: The Autopilot for Rates gave Helios the ability to fully automate their strategy