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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
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Digital, Mobile Adoption, Social media and Global Warming – have driven a drastic shift in the way guests look at discovering hotels during the planning stage. Hyper personalization, unique experiences, driven by social media as well as actively trying to reduce their carbon footprint is seeing travelers alter their preferences in a very short period of time.
O que você aprenderá
Content Management: The Achilles Heel for Hotels in 2022
As the official sponsor of this guide, the RateGain team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Listings Management and which is right for your hotel.
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Navegue por todos os relatóriosAcompanhe as últimas dicas, tendências e insights de tecnologia hoteleira com o boletim informativo mensal da HTR, theRewind
Junte-se a 50.237 executivos de grandes marcas como Accor, Marriott, Viceroy, Shangri-La, Rosewood, Expedia e AirBnB e receba as últimas inovações e insights entregues em sua caixa de entrada uma vez por mês.
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As the official sponsor of this guide, the RateGain team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Listings Management and which is right for your hotel.