AI Hospitality Insider: Latest Trends in AI for Hotels

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Visão geral

Explore the first edition of HiJiffy's AI Hospitality Insider, a comprehensive report that delves into the latest trends and innovations shaping our industry.

O que você aprenderá

  • Case study of AI transformation at Lamington Group
  • Advice on using AI for booking management
  • Step-by-step guide to implementing AI tools
  • Guide to selecting the best AI solution for your hotel
  • Comparison of generic VS specialised solutions for guest communications

Acompanhe as últimas dicas, tendências e insights de tecnologia hoteleira com o boletim informativo mensal da HTR, theRewind

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the HiJiffy team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Guest Messaging Software and which is right for your hotel.