Why Messaging is the Gateway to Great Customer Experiences

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Today guests expect more than just a room. They expect an experience. An experience that is seamless across the entire guest journey. Today, making phone calls does not even make the top 10 uses of smartphones, and increasingly messaging is the preferred method of communication between customers and businesses. However, truly delivering a guest-centric experience is much more than supporting numerous messaging channels. Find out how the rise in the use of messaging gives hoteliers the opportunity to deliver on the long-sought-after “seamless experience” and can help drive ancillary revenue opportunities for your business. By using technology to unlock the ability to form greater relationships via conversation with the guest, hotels will grasp key benefits such as:

O que você aprenderá

  • Driving revenues through both retention and ancillary spend
  • Increase guest satisfaction and build loyalty to the brand
  • Gain a deeper understanding of guests needs and optimise service to them
  • Give staff the tools to deliver better personal service by empowering them via information and communication
  • Why messaging is the ‘glue’ that brings together the guest experience and unlocks these benefits

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Want to talk to a Guest Messaging Software expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the alliants team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Guest Messaging Software and which is right for your hotel.