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The project dashboard is a free tool that is only available to verified hoteliers to make adopting new technology easier by streamlining their research and simplifying their communication workflow.
Visão geral
Hotels that do not adopt procurement software are at risk of inefficient and manual procurement processes, which can result in higher procurement costs, poor supplier management, and longer procurement cycles. This can lead to a negative impact on the hotel's bottom line, reduced profitability, and inability to compete effectively. Furthermore, manual procurement processes can result in errors, delays, and lack of visibility into the procurement process, which can lead to missed opportunities and poor decision-making. In short, the absence of procurement software can lead to operational inefficiencies, reduced cost savings, and decreased competitiveness for hotels.
O que você aprenderá
2025 Hotel eProcurement Software Buyer's Guide
Acompanhe as últimas dicas, tendências e insights de tecnologia hoteleira com o boletim informativo mensal da HTR, theRewind
Junte-se a 50.237 executivos de grandes marcas como Accor, Marriott, Viceroy, Shangri-La, Rosewood, Expedia e AirBnB e receba as últimas inovações e insights entregues em sua caixa de entrada uma vez por mês.
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