Rethinking the Hotel Tech Stack for Revenue Optimization

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During the earliest stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, customers felt more confidence booking directly through the property’s own website. Now that travel has rebounded, another shift has taken place, and booking engines are again neck and neck with channel managers as a top source of bookings. While the GDS’ share is still much lower than it was, that’s expected to grow as business travel recovers. Even so, the shift towards bookings has implications for how hotels allocate their inventory and optimize their rates across channels. Successful revenue optimization requires a complete understanding of search and booking data, which then offers opportunities to strengthen engagement with travelers. Here’s what hotels need to prioritize right now to optimize revenues and maintain peak profitability.

O que você aprenderá

  • Learn how to optimize revenues and maintain peak profitability
  • Learn about the power of interconnectivity
  • Understand where rates should live in the hotel tech stack
  • Uncover new operation metrics for hotels

Acompanhe as últimas dicas, tendências e insights de tecnologia hoteleira com o boletim informativo mensal da HTR, theRewind

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