Top 5 Benefits of a Paid Upgrade Program

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Frontline Performance Group
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Re-Imagine the potential of your front desk! This whitepaper outlines how a well-crafted paid upgrade program is a hospitality game-changer driving hotel profitability, employee engagement and retention, and guest satisfaction and loyalty. A paid upgrade program that transforms the front desk team into service-minded sales professionals and rewards guests with premium accommodations, increases employees’ monthly income and improves their quality of life, and boosts a hotel’s incremental revenue is a win-win-win for all involved while also creating an enviable workplace environment where innovation and satisfaction thrive.

O que você aprenderá

  • Real Value Translates into Substantial Incremental Revenue
  • Elevated Guest Satisfaction Drives Loyalty
  • Game-Changing Advantages For Employees – Skills, Money & Enrichment
  • Become the Envy of the Industry by Creating an Inspiring Culture
  • Tapping Technology For Operational Efficiency

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the Frontline Performance Group team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Upselling Software and which is right for your hotel.