How to Boost Your Hotel’s Total Profitability

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In 'How to Boost Your Hotel’s Total Profitability', industry leaders share top tips and best practices for getting the most from your revenue strategy by adopting a holistic approach to optimizing total guest value. Download now to gain insight into what is total profitability, how to better understand the different revenue streams within your hotel business, and how to balance the cost of acquisition against total guest spend.

Was Sie lernen werden

  • What is Total Profitability?
  • Why Profitability Matters Now More Than Ever
  • How to Measure Your Hotel Performance
  • Why Customer Micro-Segmentation is The Key to Direct Profit Growth
  • How Hotels Drive Profitability Through Duetto
  • How Casino Resorts Drive Profitability Through Duetto
  • The Revenue Consultant’s View to Total Profitability Management
  • Van der Valk: Seasonal Promotions Boost Total Profitability
  • Posadas: Putting Total Profitability On The Agenda

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Want to talk to a Revenue Management Systems expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Duetto team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Revenue Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.