Revenue Management Playbook 2021

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Hoteliers need to be more flexible than ever as they navigate the crisis and prepare for demand to return. Moving forward, the key to success is a proactive, data-driven approach supported by innovative tech tools and top-of-funnel demand information. In this guide, you’ll get expert insights on how to create this approach for your hotel and get ready for the return of business and revenue opportunities.

Was Sie lernen werden

  • How to adapt to the new era of revenue management and build your recovery playbook for 2021
  • Adjusting to today’s evolving demand landscape
  • Get ahead of your competition with leveraging future market demand data
  • Looking ahead: Forecasting and future demand data for improved revenue management
  • To fight or not to fight? Avoiding price wars and rate dumping
  • Future-proofing your business with total revenue management
  • Summary – Start building your revenue management recovery playbook 2021

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Want to talk to a Revenue Management Systems expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Atomize team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Revenue Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.