The Hospitality Labor Survey Insights Report

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The Hospitality Labor Survey, powered by Akia and Unifocus, surveyed executives from over 1000 hotels to understand their opinions and struggles with the ongoing labor crisis. Having an average nightly rate of $200, most respondents (41.4%) worked in properties with 100-400 rooms, and (21.2%) in 400+ rooms. Additionally, a large pool of the respondents was from North America (63.6%), followed by Europe (13%), Asia (12.1%), and Latin America (6%).

Was Sie lernen werden

  • A deep dive into the state of labor in the hotel industry.
  • Hotels struggle to fill and maintain open staff positions.
  • Onboarding challenges and reasons why staff quits.
  • How hotels are combating labor shortage.
  • Role of automation/ AI tools.

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