The Sky’s the Limit: Taking Hotel Revenue Performance to Higher Levels of Success

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For revenue managers, a next-generation solution should go a long way toward answering all of their day-to-day pricing and other questions. These questions might include: By how much should we increase or decrease our rates for a given type of room? With the return of business travel, how many customer groups, and what size groups, should we accept on a given day? How much should we charge walk-in customers? What should be the floor and ceiling for our rate range? Are the changes in demand and bookings likely to represent a short-term or long-term pattern – and, if the latter, what actions should we take response?

Was Sie lernen werden

  • AI-powered true cloud revenue management
  • Not all clouds are created equal
  • The benefits of machine learning
  • Better technology and data integration
  • More processing power
  • Better answers, better decisions

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Want to talk to a Revenue Management Systems expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Infor team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Revenue Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.