Pimali Resort and Training Centre drives successful youth hospitality mission, supported by Little Hotelier

Verified case study Hotel Tech Report has reached out to hoteliers at Pimali Resort and Training Centre to verify this case study.
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Pimali Resort and Training Centre operates under the Pimali Foundation – a mission that was founded in 2015 to fight the exploitation of disadvantaged youths and to help reduce poverty in the north-east of Thailand. This is achieved by offering underprivileged young Thais the chance for a professional future in hospitality, bringing financial independence and interpersonal social skills. Providing kitchen, service, and housekeeping courses, the foundation places students in leading 4 and 5-star hotels for an internship program which helps them secure permanent positions or future work elsewhere.
Why it matters: To help continue the growth of the foundation and the resort, Stéphanie Loup, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of Pimali Resort and Training Centre alongside the team needed to find a way to reach a broader range of travellers and guests.
  • “We were in contact with Little Hotelier at the start of the Pimali journey some 6 years ago,” she explained.

Top 3 Core Objectives: Pimali Resort partners with a one-stop platform to grow their business while carrying out its mission.
  • Technology partner to grow: Pimali Resort is looking for a platform which enables them to drive better results with little effort; a one-stop platform that has everything they need to succeed.

Little Hotelier

The leading all-in-one software for small properties

Innovators Mentioned

Pimali Resort and Training Centre
Little Hotelier
Stephanie Loup
Hotel Tech Report reached out to Stephanie Loup who verified this case study.

Chairwoman & Co-Founder

Pimali Resort and Training Centre

"Little Hotelier is a one-stop platform from where we can update our website, control inventory across multiple channels and process reservations for our guests. It is really convenient and is user-friendly too."

Stephanie Loup

Chairwoman & Co-Founder

👍 Chairwoman & Co-Founder Stephanie Loup said that Little Hotelier allows Pimali Resort to manage their property easily with one platform.:
  • "Little Hotelier is a one-stop platform from where we can update our website, control inventory across multiple channels and process reservations for our guests. It is really convenient and is user-friendly too."

⚖️ The selection process: During their research process, Stephanie Loup evaluated Little Hotelier's product differentiators, customer support, and holistic value as a strategic partner and ultimately decided that Little Hotelier was the best fit solution:
  • Chairwoman & Co-Founder Stephanie Loup said, about their decision: "Little Hotelier provides us with a practical platform from which we can promote our product and also manage our room inventory and reservations."

📈 The results: Little Hotelier empowers Pimali Resort to effortlessly achieve improved results, and work efficiently within a single system.
  • Little Hotelier empowers Stéphanie and her team to achieve improved outcomes with minimal exertion.

  • Pimali Resort has the capability to enhance their website with Little Hotelier.

  • The platform enables the property to manage inventory across various channels and handle reservations and payments all within a single platform.

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