Four Ways to Use a Customer Data Platform at Your Hotel

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A customer data platform (CDP) unites, transforms, cleanses, and enriches millions of data points from across your tech stack. The CDP data feeds are used in operations, revenue management, business intelligence, guest communications, guest services, marketing automation, email marketing, personalization and digital marketing, loyalty initiatives, and more to dramatically improve the customer experience, efficiency and profitability. With this single data firehose, your hotel staff can take full advantage of the data, keeping guests at the heart of what they do. If you haven’t started thinking about a CDP, or are new to the idea of consolidating data at your hotel, here are some everyday use cases to illustrate the efficiencies of a CDP-powered hotel.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Enable omnichannel communication by creating a unified guest profile
  • Manage data privacy regulations more easily
  • Allow personalized communication for every guest
  • Scale and optimize smaller teams

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