Trends and Challenges for Hospitality Operators 2021

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2021 signifies a travel and technology reset for holiday park operators as we navigate the road to recovery. Historical processes are to be left in the past, as we redefine what it means to travel and connect with guests, using technology to attract, build and nurture relationships. The report explores three key areas; the evolving expectations of guests, the accelerated adoption of technology and reevaluation of marketing and revenue strategies.

Cosa imparerai

  • Deep dive into the domestic travel boom that is set to dominate movement in 2021
  • Analysis of technology advancements and their impact on the guest journey
  • Shifts in marketing strategy with refocused attention on channels that cultivate deeper relationships, offer instant communication and strengthen brand identity
  • Insights into rate management and revenue optimisation using booking pattern analysis and real-time data
  • Observations and advice from technology partners, revenue management experts and marketing professionals on how to tailor product offerings, boost guest engagement and drive bookings

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