Hospitality in 2025: Automated, Intelligent...And More Personal

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Oracle Hospitality
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Oracle Hospitality and Skift surveyed more than 600 hoteliers and 5,000 consumers across the world to better understand current and future marketplace expectations. The report explores topics such as: What are the “must-have” technologies from a guest and hotel perspective? How will automation and artificial intelligence enable hotels to provide personalized guest services? How are hotels rethinking their revenue models to deliver more customized experiences? The soul of the hospitality business lies in its ability to connect human beings to each other and to the places they visit. Understand how to use technology as a tool to serve that purpose.

Cosa imparerai

  • Comfort, control and convenience: The 3 C's of essential hotel tech
  • The generational gap: one size does not fit all guests
  • From mobilized to modernized: alleviate labor shortages and attract talent

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Want to talk to a Property Management Systems expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Oracle Hospitality team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Property Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.