How YellowSquare designed an effortless guest experience and enhanced internal cooperation

Verified case study Hotel Tech Report has reached out to hoteliers at YellowSquare to verify this case study.
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As YellowSquare started to grow, they were looking for a way for the team to manage communication with guests more effectively, and engage with their guests before arrival. After they implemented Bookboost, they not only were able to foster more personalised communication with guests but also improved cooperation across departments.
Why it matters: Personalisation and effective communication are crucial to elevating the guest experience, both of which are unattainable without successful collaboration among departments. YellowSquare is a perfect example of how to use hotel technology to achieve great guest experiences.
  • First, they used the Unified Inbox to centralise communications. Whether it was Facebook, WhatsApp, or their website, they could now easily review all messages and answer to their guests from one single place, before or during their stay. Second, they used collaboration features for communication across departments. They created different inboxes according to their departments. In this way, they could assign the messages to the right person with a single click. Now, all departments can provide the same information and reduce the time it takes to answer a question. Lastly, they implemented personalised marketing campaigns and closely tracked results. Before, the team at YellowSquare used several platforms to send out communications to guests. With Bookboost, now not only the time is saved but the options for personalisation are greater, allowing them to keep the vibe of the brand and transmit it visually to guests.

Top 3 Core Objectives: The main challenge for the team at YellowSquare was to create an effortless experience for guests and communicate during pre-arrival.
  • Effective Guest Communication: They had many communication channels and were looking for a way to provide better customer service, interact effectively with guests and create an effortless experience for them.

  • Pre-arrival Guest Engagement: They were looking to communicate all the other activities and benefits that were part of the brand during the pre-arrival phase.

  • Enhance Team Collaboration: With different messages across multiple channels, they wanted to make sure the team can direct the right question to the right employee.

Bookboost AB

Leverage your guest data to increase revenue & deliver amazing experiences

Innovators Mentioned

Bookboost AB
Marco Coppola
Hotel Tech Report reached out to Marco Coppola who verified this case study.



"Definitely, I’d recommend Bookboost. They know what they are doing. The value for money is great. If you are a hotel or a hostel looking for a platform to communicate with customers adequately, or manage your data and organise your workflows, Bookboost is a great choice."

Marco Coppola


👍 CIO Marco Coppola said that They know what they are doing:
  • "Definitely, I’d recommend Bookboost. They know what they are doing. The value for money is great. If you are a hotel or a hostel looking for a platform to communicate with customers adequately, or manage your data and organise your workflows, Bookboost is a great choice."

⚖️ The selection process: During their research process, Marco Coppola evaluated Bookboost AB's product differentiators, customer support, and holistic value as a strategic partner and ultimately decided that Bookboost AB was the best fit solution:
  • CIO Marco Coppola said, about their decision: "With Bookboost is easy to navigate between conversations. The team loves to have one tool that integrates everything in one place"

📈 The results: By implementing the Bookboost, the team is able to keep guest data organised and maintain consistent communication throughout the guest journey.
  • Enhanced communication across departments: By assigning messages consistently to each department they make sure guests are always talking to the right person and receiving the right answer. Having all conversations in one platform reduces the workload and makes teamwork easier.

  • Enhanced interactions with guests: The team also uses quick replies in the Unified Inbox to answer guests in a matter of seconds instead of writing the full answer every time. Moreover, they use the chatbot to take over after office hours. YellowSquare is all about connecting with guests, and by being able to provide a quick and thoughtful experience to each person at any time of the day, they ensure guests don’t feel left behind.

  • Enhanced data management: In addition, by having all the data in one place, they can easily follow every guest and see their complete profile, including past conversations, reservations, and more. This helps them address any issues that may arise and continuously improve their operations. The data collected from the marketing campaigns has also provided valuable insights for planning and optimising their workflows.

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