The State of Independent Lodging Report 2024

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The second annual edition of the State of Independent Lodging report offers a unique and data-rich perspective on the global independent lodging segment, shedding light on insights and trends from property types and segments often overlooked in industry reporting. Findings are grounded in data from 10,000+ independent properties, encompassing boutique hotels and guest houses, B&Bs, and hotel groups in over 100 countries. The results are divided into four regions: North America, Latin America (including Mexico), Europe, and Asia Pacific (including Australia and New Zealand).

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Introduction Occupancy: Back to the future
  • Average daily rate (ADR): An inflation hedge Revenue per available room
  • (RevPAR): Room for growth
  • Booking source: OTAs are stronger than ever Booking window: Travelers plan further ahead
  • Length of stay: An uptick in medium-term stays Arrival and departure patterns

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