eCommerce trends shaping today’s guest expectations

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Today’s guest is a sophisticated consumer who has experienced the full spectrum of brand interactions online. From frustrations with trying to find customer service contact details on your website to being wowed by personalized offers and a one-click checkout, consumers have faced the whole gamut of human emotion when it comes to eCommerce experiences. To meet, or exceed, today’s guest expectations, hotels must deliver experiences on par with the best eCommerce brands to stand out from the crowd and earn long-term loyalty from their guests. In this guide, we’ll highlight several eCommerce tactics that when deployed effectively, will continuously drive more demand and sustained profitability via your direct booking channel – your hotel website.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Leverage website personalization
  • Create mobile-optimized experiences
  • Utilize data-driven upsells, add-ons and packages
  • Make the most of creative multimedia

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