Redefining the Role of the PMS in Hospitality Through Innovation and Collaboration

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Visual Matrix PMS
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As more and more hotels invest in technology to meet the demands of a volatile market, a new age of digital innovation has begun. There are all kinds of tools now for automating and simplifying hotel operations. And more are being introduced every day. The new challenge for hotels is how to build a fully integrated tech stack and avoid costly siloes of disparate systems that create more work than they’re worth. This special report offers the answer, plus other helpful insights for making the most of your technology investments. Download your copy now!

Lo que aprenderás

  • We’re out to redefine the role of the property management system and show hoteliers how to future-proof their tech stack to gain the advantage. Get your complimentary copy today.
  • What’s inside:
  • Chapter 1 – Automation’s Place in Today’s Hotel Industry
  • Chapter 2 – Returning Travelers Have Higher Expectations
  • Chapter 3 – A View from the Cloud
  • Chapter 4 – The Benefits of an Open Platform

Manténgase al día con los últimos consejos, tendencias e ideas sobre tecnología hotelera con el boletín mensual de HTR, theRewind

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Want to talk to a Hotel Management Software expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Visual Matrix PMS team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Hotel Management Software and which is right for your hotel.