Rethink Your Casino Revenue Strategy for a Total Revenue World

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Casinos have a much more complex revenue picture than your typical hotel. There are rooms and a gaming floor and more on-site amenities, such as spas, shops and food and beverage outlets. With traditional gaming, alongside sportsbooks and even eSports, these expansive properties attract diverse guest types, each with unique spending habits. The casino room block prevents casino resorts from optimizing every inch of their properties. So what’s the holdup? Ditch the block, align incentives and unleash a total revenue mindset! This strategy requires a bit of a rethink, as each area of your property must be stitched together into a holistic view of each guest’s contribution to your property’s revenue — and ultimately, its profitability.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Learn what issues unoptimized casino blocks can cause
  • Understand how to align your incentives
  • Get ready for a CDP

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the Cendyn team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Revenue Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.