The Hospitality Executive’s Guide to RMS Technology

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A Revenue Management System (RMS) should be a core component of your hotel tech stack. Integrating with your PMS, CRS, channel managers, upselling tools and more, your RMS can assist your revenue teams in optimizing rates in line with market demand 24/7. Collating your own hotel performance metrics, those of your competitive set and additional data sources, an RMS is a vital source of truth on real-time data and a vital tool for forecasting and budgeting. More and more hotel groups are investing in a modern, cloud-based RMS to gain a competitive edge on pricing. Don’t get left behind.

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Building an integrated tech stack with revenue management at the core
  • How an RMS enhances commercial agility
  • Moving from legacy RMS to SaaS cloud-based open pricing
  • Looking for innovative algorithms based on commercial datapoints
  • Attracting talent: skills and profile requirements

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Want to talk to a Revenue Management Systems expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Duetto team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Revenue Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.