Cloud-based revenue management solutions without limits
Demand Calendar
4.8 (7 REVIEWS)
Unranked in Revenue Management Systems
The Ultimate Business Intelligence Tool for Hotels
96% recommended by 7 hotels
Demand Calendar Alternatives
Not sure if Demand Calendar AB is right for your hotel? Here are similar Revenue Management Systems vendors that could be a good fit for your hotel:
Demand Calendar AB doesn’t have any benefits or use cases available
Pricing Optimization
Market Intelligence & Forecasting
Dashboards & Reporting
Multi-Property Functionality
Group Business
Available Add-ons & Modules
Profit and Revenue Optimization
Business IntelligenceTotal Revenue (TRevPar)
Revenue Management SystemsRecommended by
This vendor's trending score is rising, Demand Calendar is the #59 most trending product in the Revenue Management Systems category (out of 65) and the #2418 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum
Learn moreDemand Calendar AB’s customer support processes haven’t yet been verified by Hotel Tech Report.
Learn more about this achievement in the official press releaseThis vendor has not met the minimum criteria for the Certificate of Excellence which is awarded to vendors who exemplify transparent cultures and come highly recommended by their clients. For more information, please see the help center.
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This product is priced in line with the average product in the category which is usually an indicator that it is a standard product with standard functionality designed for typical operations and use cases and properties.
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Cloud-based revenue management solutions without limits
Revenue you can count on
Automated solutions that pay for themselves
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I can recommend Demand Calender
Commercial Manager from 100 to 199 room Branded Hotel in Solna (Sweden)
Gives a good overview
Revenue and booking manager from 100 to 199 room Boutique in Copenhagen (Denmark)
Easy way to get an overview of your business
Sales Manager from 100 to 199 room Boutique in Stockholm (Sweden)
Demand Calendar is really easy to work with and you get the requested data in a few seconds and that is valuable for me.
Sales Manager from 100 to 199 room Boutique in Solna (Sweden)
Hotel Royal Gothenburg
Reception Manager from 25-49 room Boutique in Santiniketan (India)
Hotel Royal Gothenburg
Reception Manager from 25-49 room Boutique in Santiniketan (India)
Time saving system
Revenue manager from 25-49 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Dalhousie (India)
Time saving system
Revenue manager from 25-49 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Dalhousie (India)
Fantastic tool for lots of Revenue Work and more!
Commercial Manager from 100 to 199 room Boutique in (Sweden)
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Company | Functionality | |
This integration hasn’t been verified by Demand Calendar AB yet.
Oracle Hospitality
91% recommended by 563 hotels |
This integration hasn’t been verified by Demand Calendar AB yet.
92% recommended by 519 hotels |
Revenue Management Systems
91% recommended by 519 hotels |
Property Management Systems
Clock Software
95% recommended by 208 hotels |
Property Management Systems
HQ revenue
0% recommended by 0 hotels |
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Demand Calendar AB has not yet had their customer support processes certified by Hotel Tech Report. We recommend referencing the GCSC rubric during your demo call to make sure that this vendor has strong processes in place to support customers.
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This vendor has not been GCSC Certified so Hotel Tech Report is unable to verify their support processes.
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This vendor does not appear to have basic support essentials. Vendors who provide top tier support maintain a knowledge base help center and product updates changelog for customers.
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