The Ultimate PMS Buyer's Guide, 2021

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With vaccines now in distribution, 2021 marks the year of recovery for hotels. But a successful recovery requires hotels to reevaluate and align their core operational technologies to meet the new demands of travel. There's no better place to start than with the PMS! We put together the Ultimate Hotel PMS Buyer's Guide to help hotels prioritize the most essential components when evaluating new PMS technology.

Was Sie lernen werden

  • -Laying the Foundation: Open-APIs, High-Performance Cloud Tech, Data -Security
  • -Driving Efficiency with Easy to Use PMS Technology
  • -Supporting a Lean Staff with Powerful Automation
  • -Unlocking Your Hotel's Revenue Potential
  • -Mobility & Contactless: Creating a Safe & Seamless Guest Experience
  • -Utilizing Data and Analytics to Gain a 360° View of Your Hotel
  • -Reducing Your PMS Total Cost of Ownership
  • -Service, Support and Strategic Partnerships

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the Stayntouch team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Property Management Systems and which is right for your hotel.