Easy handling & personal collaboration!

Verified case study Hotel Tech Report has reached out to hoteliers at Anna Wiesler to verify this case study.
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Who does not know it? I think I've finally found the right solution to a problem. The solution? Software. I've looked at demos and reviews, paid, installed, and now I'm sitting there, able to use the app somehow, but acquiring the knowledge of how everything works takes forever.
Why it matters: For questions about a product, employees often spend hours on hold calling the support, are fobbed off with empty phrases, and are often no wiser afterwards than they were before and frustrated.
  • Customer service for Smart Host does not mean providing a chatbot to its customers. Smart Host customers can expect interactive training, a personal advisor who is always there for the hotel from the beginning of the contract and always has new updates & open ears.

Top 3 Core Objectives: Anna Wiesler reveals, "We were looking for a marketing tool [...] and as a small hotel with 40 employees, of course it has to be something we can handle ourselves because we don't have a big marketing department."
  • Ease of use: The tool should be easy to use - even without a large marketing team!

  • Always up-to-date: The product should evolve and grow with the times and the demands of its customers.

Smart Host GmbH

Smart Communication for Hoteliers and Guests – Simple. Automated. Profitable.

Innovators Mentioned

Anna Wiesler
Smart Host GmbH
Anna Wiesler
Hotel Tech Report reached out to Anna Wiesler who verified this case study.


Anna Wiesler

"I always find myself raving when I talk to other hoteliers about CRMs or offer managers because we are really convinced about the program."

Anna Wiesler


👍 Hotelier Anna Wiesler said that how happy she feels using Smart Host.:
  • "I always find myself raving when I talk to other hoteliers about CRMs or offer managers because we are really convinced about the program."

⚖️ The selection process: During their research process, Anna Wiesler evaluated Smart Host GmbH's product differentiators, customer support, and holistic value as a strategic partner and ultimately decided that Smart Host GmbH was the best fit solution:
  • Hotelier Anna Wiesler said, about their decision: "We were looking for a marketing tool [...] and as a small hotel with 40 employees, of course it has to be something we can handle ourselves, because we don't have a big marketing department."

📈 The results: With Smart Host as a multifunctional tool, Anna Wiesler could now implement everything she wanted and was also involved as a customer in the further development of the product.
  • For any concerns, Anna Wiesler can always rely on quick and personal feedback. Even though the Smart Host team has grown in the meantime, this does not change the personal contact between Smart Host and customer.

  • Since they started using Smart Host, many new functions have been added and they themselves have been able to contribute ideas - many of which have already been implemented.

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