Discover how Grupo Posadas allowed The Guestbook to generate a substantial increase in web direct conversion and revenue.

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Even as the largest hotel operator in Mexico, Posadas recognized that lower direct bookings at their individual properties were making a significant impact on the company’s revenue base.
Why it matters: While competition for beach resort visitors had always been challenging, the increase in off-site (OTA) bookings was also affecting its urban properties.
  • The company decided it was time to take a page from the global hotel chain playbook and offer its guests something more than the promise of a luxurious escape: A cash-back rewards program.

Top 3 Core Objectives: Explore how Posadas leveraged The Guestbook's tools and features by increasing direct bookings and optimizing revenue.
  • Enhanced Direct Bookings: Shift bookings from expensive OTA's and third parties to direct channels

  • Strengthened Guest Loyalty: Foster lasting relationships with guests through personalized experiences and loyalty rewards, resulting in a high rate of returning guests

  • Continuous Business Growth: Drive sustained revenue growth by leveraging The Guestbook's additional marketing tools and best practices to optimize marketing efforts and attract a diverse range of guests.

The Guestbook

Developed for hoteliers by hoteliers, The Guestbook: Cash Rewards Suite is a collection of growth driving enhancements to help boost direct bookings and increase your net revenue.

Innovators Mentioned

Grupo Posadas
The Guestbook
José Jaime Lorenzo
The hotelier hasn't yet verified the case study.

Chief Commercial Officer - Hotel Business

Grupo Posadas

"One of the greatest tools we incorporated in several years!"

José Jaime Lorenzo

Chief Commercial Officer - Hotel Business

👍 Chief Commercial Officer - Hotel Business José Jaime Lorenzo said that Best Direct Booking Tool and Loyalty Program for Hotels!:
  • "One of the greatest tools we incorporated in several years!"

⚖️ The selection process: During their research process, José Jaime Lorenzo evaluated The Guestbook's product differentiators, customer support, and holistic value as a strategic partner and ultimately decided that The Guestbook was the best fit solution:
  • Chief Commercial Officer - Hotel Business José Jaime Lorenzo said, about their decision: "The decision to partner with Guestbook was an easy decision. They are the best partner in the space."

📈 The results: Posadas experienced a direct shift in business immediately after partnering with The Guestbook.
  • +$5.6M Annual Revenue Impact | +18,688 Annual Room Nights

  • 23,455 Guests Enrolled during the First Six Months

  • 21.3X ROI

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