Industry Masters: The Future of Meetings & Events

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The world of meetings and events is undergoing significant transformation. How can industry professionals best navigate this changing space as they prepare for the return of group business? We asked 7 top global meeting, event and hospitality authorities to share their thoughts about the future of live travel and events. Some unifying themes quickly emerged.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Flexibility: Venues and planners alike must be prepared to respond quickly to
  • changing customer demands.
  • Fun: The bar for in-person events has been raised. Planners and venues must get creative with unique experiences to attract attendees.
  • Technology: Hybrid meetings and events are here to stay. Venues need a robust technology infrastructure to support planners’ demands; planners must carefully design experiences to maximize value for both in-person and virtual attendees.
  • Sustainability: Customers expect hard evidence of eco-friendly practices. Planners
  • and venues must walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
  • Wellness: Event attendees have a newfound appreciation for mental and physical health and they want to maintain their wellness practices on the road.

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