Hotelier's Guide to Navigating Group Sales

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While leisure business has seen significant rebounds over the last 18 months, group sales have been almost non-existent due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19. Many hoteliers have adapted revenue strategies to combat these losses by repurposing event space, introducing options for hybrid meetings, and refocusing efforts on intimate weddings and meetings in lieu of large-scale gatherings. With higher vaccination rates and eased travel restrictions, many teams are anxious to start meeting in person again – priming the industry for a group business comeback in 2022. Even if group business does not initially reach pre-COVID levels right away, the increase in interest means hotels need to adapt once again to the return of group business. To make sure you have all the essentials covered, our latest guide takes you through the necessary steps to navigate the challenges of the current group business landscape and how to master lead management.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Learn to generate leads effectively
  • Nurture your leads carefully
  • Set realistic timelines
  • Synchronize the buying cycle
  • Future-proof your RFP response process
  • Analyze and optimize

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