Combining CRM with Upselling at ONYX Hospitality Group

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There’s a lot more than room upgrades hotels can be upselling. We can increase the total spend per stay in any number of ways, like adding a cocktail session, or even a new wine at the bar to the platform. Learn how to connect your CRM to an upselling platform to run advanced promotions and generate tRevPAR.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Creating dependencies for automation-driven results
  • Maintaining control over email quality and frequency
  • Translating in-depth data into upselling actions
  • Maximum data security across all aspects of the integration
  • Creating delight through personalisation
  • Creative approaches to incremental revenue

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Want to talk to a Upselling Software expert?

As the official sponsor of this guide, the Oaky team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Upselling Software and which is right for your hotel.