How Kula Uses Duve's Guest Experience Solution to Offer Millennials an Updated Version of Future Travelling

Verified case study Hotel Tech Report has reached out to hoteliers at Kula Lisbon to verify this case study.
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Kula is a young, cool brand in the flex-stay hospitality segment that operates hundreds of units across Lisbon, Sydney, Melbourne, and London. Their target audience consists of young professionals, Gen Zs, and millennials who are looking for a new way of travelling which includes a fully digitized experience.
Why it matters: Kula searched for a solution that would allow them to cater to a very specific segments of travelers that are interested in a new way of travelling.
  • Kula required a very easy solution that can be quickly implemented to allow their staff to easily communicate with guests across different platforms, and provide all the additional services they offer to guests in a digital manner.

Top 3 Core Objectives: A large portion of travelers around the world are young professionals and millennials. These travelers want to be able to easily communicate with staff and quickly have access to information about attractions in the area.
  • Easily communicate with guests: Easily and quickly communicate with guests across different platforms.

  • Streamline the check-in process: Provide our guests with a quick and easy way to check-into their rooms. Our guests are digitally-advanced so they want to check-in fast and without much human interaction.

  • Easily offer local upsells: Create a way for our guests to acquire additional services from local vendors


An AI-based omni channel communication center

Innovators Mentioned

Moran Machtey
Hotel Tech Report reached out to Moran Machtey who verified this case study.

Co-founder & CEO

Kula Lisbon

Nisan Larido
Hotel Tech Report reached out to Nisan Larido who verified this case study.

VP Brand & Product

Kula Lisbon

"Duve enabled us to perfect the customer journey and allowed us to be 2 years ahead of schedule of where we thought we would be."

Moran Machtey

Co-founder & CEO

👍 Co-founder & CEO Moran Machtey said that Duve enabled them to perfect the entire guest journey.:
  • "Duve enabled us to perfect the customer journey and allowed us to be 2 years ahead of schedule of where we thought we would be."

⚖️ The selection process: During their research process, Nisan Larido evaluated Duve's product differentiators, customer support, and holistic value as a strategic partner and ultimately decided that Duve was the best fit solution:
  • VP Brand & Product Nisan Larido said, about their decision: "Duve is a one-stop-shop for us. It's super intuitive super flexible. We love it. I love it!"

📈 The results: Our guests are highly satisfied and are extremely happy that they can communicate with Kula in a quick manner
  • Guest can streamline the entire check-in and check-out process from their phones before they arrive to the property or before they leave.

  • Guest can easily acquire many additional services directly through the Duve app. Kula was immediately able to automatically sell more services to guests.

  • Kula saw an immediate improvement in guest satisfaction from the quick and easy communication that was enabled through Duve's communication tools. Additionally, Kula experienced a great increase in GOP margins following the implementation of Duve's guest experience solution.

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