Discover the Evolving Traveler's Journey [INFOGRAPHIC]

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COVID-19 was the accelerator none of us saw coming. In 2020, the travel industry has been faced with adapting to new regulations and expectations at a pace none of us thought possible. Through each step of the traveler journey, we’ve captured how sentiment and engagement has evolved so you can make informed decisions about your strategy as we move into 2021.

Lo que aprenderás

  • Inspire
  • Shop
  • Book
  • Pre-Trip
  • On-Trip
  • Post-Trip

Manténgase al día con los últimos consejos, tendencias e ideas sobre tecnología hotelera con el boletín mensual de HTR, theRewind

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As the official sponsor of this guide, the Amadeus team offers Hotel Tech Report users a free 30-minute consultation to help you learn about Hotel CRM & Email Marketing and which is right for your hotel.