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Blastness CRS
5.0 (33 RESEñAS)
Clasificado 3 (de 44) en Sistemas de reservas de hoteles
Unlock Your Hotel's Full Potential with Blastness: Your Tech Partner for Driving Direct Bookings and Optimizing Revenue Management.
100% recomendado por 83 hoteles
The Place Firenze, Sina Hotels, Roberto Naldi Collection y otros 80
Bell - Analista de productos impulsado por IA
Analicé todas las reseñas de productos, recomendaciones de expertos, características, capacidades, precios, integraciones y más de Blastness para producir el siguiente resumen.
Los hoteleros dicen
Hoteliers like the Blastness Suite for its robust Central Reservation System, which simplifies booking management, increases direct bookings, and enhances rate management. The AI-driven pricing strategies and Market Intelligence provide actionable insights, driving a significant revenue increase. Hotels also appreciate the seamless system integrations and effective digital marketing. Some critique areas include the need for more customization options and integration features.
The Place Firenze, Sina Hotels, Roberto Naldi Collection y otros 80
Lee sus reseñasSoporte
De apoyo
Hoteliers often emphasize the high level of support provided by Blastness's Hotel Reservations Systems. They appreciate the responsiveness, noting that the support team is always available to assist with any issues, ensuring they are resolved promptly. Users also highlight the expertise of the support staff, acknowledging their knowledge and effectiveness in providing solutions. Additionally, the onboarding process is streamlined by the support team, which aids in setup and training, making it easier for users to become proficient with the system. Overall, users find the resources provided, such as FAQs and documentation, to be helpful in maximizing the system's utility.
hace 13 meses
... Blastness se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para nuestro hotel. El Sistema Central de Reservas ha simplificado significativamente nuestro proceso de reserva, garantizando una experiencia fluida y eficiente tanto para el personal como para los huespedes. Rate Shopper nos ha brindado una valiosa ventaja al proporcionar actualizaciones en tiempo real sobre las tarifas de la competencia, lo que nos permite ajustar nuestra estrategia de precios de forma dinamica. El sistema de Inteligencia de Mercado ofrece una gran cantidad de informacion, lo que nos ayuda a tomar decisiones informadas basadas en las tendencias y pronosticos del mercado. Ademas, los servicios de marketing digital han desempenado un papel fundamental a la hora de generar mas reservas directas a traves de nuestro sitio web of ...
Ver reseña completaGeneral Manager
hace 12 meses
... Blastness ha sido un socio realmente valioso en nuestro viaje de crecimiento y nos brindo una solucion integral para ayudarnos a aumentar las ventas y los margenes de ganancias. Su programa de asociacion esta estructurado de manera que podamos obtener acceso a su conjunto completo de sistemas y servicios sin pagar todo por adelantado, sino durante un periodo de 5 anos y en correlacion con los resultados que logremos. Esto es perfecto para nosotros, ya que significa que nuestros resultados realmente se convierten en una alta prioridad para ellos, por lo que su equipo esta completamente comprometido y se convierte en nuestro socio en ...
Ver reseña completaDOSM
hace 11 meses
... Realmente no mucho: siempre son muy comprensivos e inspiradores, profesionales y amigables. Quizas podrian ampliar el servicio al cliente las 24 horas del dia, los 7 dias de la semana. ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 8 meses
... Nada, aprecie su modelo de Asociacion y la forma en que se comunican con nosotros y la eficiencia para responder a todas nuestras solicitudes. ...
Ver reseña completaRecception
hace 8 meses
... ¡Nada especial! No puedo olvidar mencionar el pragmatismo y la rapidez en la resolucion de problemas del equipo de consultoria y del Helpdesk. ...
Ver reseña completaFront Desk Manager
hace 8 meses
... El personal de Blastness es capaz, en tiempos absolutamente productivos ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 8 meses
... El sistema de gestion de ingresos es imprescindible para cualquier hotel que busque maximizar sus beneficios. Es facil de usar y proporciona informacion util. Utilizamos los servicios que ofrece Blastness a diario y nuestro trabajo ha mejorado mucho. En detalle, cro nos permite enviar cotizaciones a nuestros Huespedes de manera muy sencilla, las cuales pueden confirmar con un solo clic. El crs canaliza las reservas que llegan directamente y a traves de las OTA, asegurandonos la posibilidad de cambiar la disponibilidad de nuestras habitaciones y aplicar reglas y restricciones. Por ultimo, pero no menos importante, la nueva plataforma Blastness Suite garantiza la indicacion del mejor precio por habitacion en funcion del posicionam ...
Ver reseña completaSales executive
hace 8 meses
... Nada de nada, todo es perfecto tal como esta. Solo que a veces tenemos que esperar unos dias antes para recibir una respuesta. ...
Ver reseña completaReception Manager
hace 8 meses
... Todo esta bien como lo hicieron ellos. Todos los sistemas estan muy bien proyectados y todo el personal de soporte esta muy bien capacitado. ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 7 meses
... Mas control a traves del sistema central de reservas. La informacion proporcionada nos ayuda a organizar mejor las campanas de marketing. Facil de usar. El equipo de soporte es muy competente y ...
Ver reseña completareception manager
hace 4 meses
... El sistema central de reservas ha simplificado enormemente la gestion de reservas a traves de varios canales, muy facil de usar para todos mis colegas. ...
Ver reseña completaReservation Agent
hace 3 meses
... Blastness nos ayuda diariamente con las reservas. Nos permite conectarnos facilmente con todos nuestros socios y conectarnos con agencias, TO y socios web. El personal de asistencia ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 3 meses
... ¡La comunicacion con nuestros representantes y todas las herramientas proporcionadas por Blastnsess realmente nos ayudan a administrar mejor nuestro Resort! ...
Ver reseña completaAutomatización
Hoteliers often highlight the automation capabilities of Blastness's Hotel Reservations Systems as a significant improvement to their operations. The system's automation effectively streamlines booking processes, reducing manual workload and minimizing errors. Additionally, it enhances workflow efficiency, allowing staff to manage reservations effortlessly across multiple channels and adjust room rates seamlessly. Automation also aids in connecting with various partners, including agencies and web partners, contributing to overall operational efficiency.
hace 12 meses
... Contrate a Blastness para hacer mi sitio web y aumentar mi visibilidad en linea y estoy muy contento con los resultados. Ellos manejan las campanas de PPC por nosotros y hemos visto un gran ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 8 meses
... El sistema de gestion de ingresos es imprescindible para cualquier hotel que busque maximizar sus beneficios. Es facil de usar y proporciona informacion util. Utilizamos los servicios que ofrece Blastness a diario y nuestro trabajo ha mejorado mucho. En detalle, cro nos perm ...
Ver reseña completareception manager
hace 4 meses
... El sistema central de reservas ha simplificado enormemente la gestion de reservas a traves de varios canales, muy facil de usar para todos mis colegas. ...
Ver reseña completaManager
hace 3 meses
... Mayor flexibilidad para modificar la tarifa de una sola categoria de habitacion. El resto de herramientas no requieren ningun cambio. ...
Ver reseña completaFront Of House Manager
hace 3 meses
... Blastness ha sido un socio invaluable para optimizar l ...
Ver reseña completaIntegraciones
Hoteliers often praise Blastness's Hotel Reservation System, Blastness CRS, for its strong integration capabilities. Users appreciate the wide range of integrations available, allowing seamless connectivity with common systems like partner agencies, tour operators, and web partners. They find these integrations easy to set up, which enhances operational efficiency and supports daily reservation tasks. The reliability of these integrations is consistently noted, with hoteliers reporting no syncing issues, contributing to smooth and effective collaboration with their partners.
Hotel Manager
hace 13 meses
... He estado usando los sistemas RMS e Intelligence de Blastness desde hace un tiempo y la plataforma es realmente intuitiva y sencilla. Diariamente recibo recomendaciones de tarifas que con solo presionar un boton puedo cambiar la tarifa en todos mis canales gracias a la integracion con su CRS y nuestro PMS. Gracias a su Sistema de Ges ...
Ver reseña completaroom division & sales manager
hace 13 meses
... Desde que Blastness creo mi sitio web y comence a usar su motor de reservas, he visto excelentes resultados en terminos de reservas directas. Su BE tiene todas las herramientas y funciones ...
Ver reseña completaOwner
hace 12 meses
... Una integracion de IA en el futuro, porque creo que esta innovacion podria ser muy util en las operaciones de ingresos diarias. ...
Ver reseña completaDOSM
hace 11 meses
... Aumento de los ingresos gracias al motor de reservas Blastness de alta conversion con grandes posibilidades de ventas adicionales. ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 8 meses
... El sistema de gestion de ingresos es imprescindible para cualquier hotel que busque maximizar sus beneficios. Es facil de usar y proporciona informacion util. Utilizamos los servicios que ofrece Blastness a diario y nuestro trabajo ha mejorado mucho. En detalle, cro nos permite enviar cotizaciones a nuestros Huespedes de manera muy sencilla, las cuale ...
Ver reseña completaReception Manager
hace 8 meses
... reservas, canal, distribucion, reservas ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 5 meses
... ¡Nada en absoluto! Todos los sistemas y la comunicacion estan bien y estamos satisfechos de recibir un gran apoyo en nuestra asociacion. ...
Ver reseña completaReservation Agent
hace 3 meses
... Blastness nos ayuda diariamente con las reservas. Nos permite co ...
Ver reseña completaValor
Hoteliers often highlight the value of Blastness's Hotel Reservations Systems in terms of ROI and the substantial benefits it delivers for the cost. Users consistently find that the system offers significant improvements in operational efficiency, particularly in booking management and revenue optimization, which many consider to justify the expense. The product's features are perceived as worth the price compared to competitors, offering extensive reporting capabilities that contribute to effective forecasting and historical analysis. Although the system doesn't mention any specific trials or demos, it indicates that users feel assured of the value from the outset, given the returns they experience.
General Manager
hace 13 meses
... Blastness es el socio optimo para ayudarnos con nuestras estrategias de distribucion y tarifas en linea. ...
Ver reseña completaroom division & sales manager
hace 13 meses
... Desde que Blastness creo mi sitio web y comence a usar su motor de reservas, he visto excelentes resultados en terminos de reservas directas. Su BE tiene todas las herramientas y funciones necesarias para aumentar la tasa de conversion. El sitio web que crearon con su sistema de gestion de contenido patentado tambien tiene un alto rendimiento y se ve muy bien. Tambien esta optimizado para dispositivos moviles. Tambien contratamos a Blastness para manejar nuestras campanas de PPC y funciona m ...
Ver reseña completaGeneral Manager
hace 12 meses
... Su programa de asociacion es el mejor. ...
Ver reseña completaOwner
hace 12 meses
... Contrate a Blastness para hacer mi sitio web y aumentar mi visibilidad en linea y estoy muy contento con los resultados. Ellos manejan las campanas de PPC por n ...
Ver reseña completaDOSM
hace 11 meses
... Aumento de los ingresos gracias al motor de reservas Blastness de alta conversion con grandes posibilidades de ventas adicionales. ...
Ver reseña completaDirector
hace 11 meses
... Grandes sistemas para grandes actuaciones. ...
Ver reseña completaCOO
hace 10 meses
... Todavia hay margen de crecimiento pero estoy seguro de que juntos haremos grandes cosas. ¡avanza! ...
Ver reseña completaFront Desk Manager
hace 8 meses
... Profesionalismo y competencia ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 8 meses
... Imprescindible para cualquier hotel. ...
Ver reseña completaReception Manager
hace 8 meses
... Personalmente, lo que mas me gusto ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Owner
hace 7 meses
... Algoritmo S2: un punto de inflexion para optimizar los ingresos y la distribucion de canales ...
Ver reseña completaRevenur Manager
hace 4 meses
... Ofrece amplios informes que permiten tener control total sobre el historial y los pronosticos, y todo es de facil acceso. ...
Ver reseña completaReservation Agent
hace 3 meses
... ¡Un producto conocido y excelente! ...
Ver reseña completaFront Of House Manager
hace 3 meses
... Blastness ha sido un socio invaluable para optimizar las operaciones de nuestro hotel. Sus sistemas de reservas de hotel han mejorado significativamente nuestra eficiencia, garantizando una gestion ...
Ver reseña completaOwner
hace 2 meses
... El sistema de reservas centralizado es muy facil de usar e intuitivo, por lo que resulta sencillo gestionar las reservas incluso para aquellos que no tienen mucha experiencia. Blastness destaca por su diseno moderno y cautivador, que capta la atencion desde el primer vistazo. Cada elemento esta estudiado hasta el mas minimo detalle, con graficos elegantes y una paleta de colores armoniosa. La navegacion es increiblemente intuitiva: los menus son claros, las secciones estan bien organizadas y toda la informacion es de facil acceso. Ya sea que busque detalles sobre los servicios ofrecidos, reserve una experiencia o simplemente explore la galeria, to ...
Ver reseña completaFuncionalidad
Hoteliers often praise the functionality of Blastness's Hotel Reservations Systems, highlighting its strong performance in booking management and revenue optimization. The system's core features are noted for being efficient and leading to improved booking conversion rates. Users report significant productivity enhancements due to the use of important tools and customized strategies. The product is also recognized for offering flexibility in rate modifications for individual room categories, without necessitating changes to other tools. Overall, hoteliers appreciate the reliable and effective functionalities that support seamless reservation management and short-term profitability.
General Manager
hace 13 meses
... Blastness es el socio optimo para ayudarnos con nuestras estrategias de distribucion y tarifas en linea. ...
Ver reseña completaCEO
hace 13 meses
... Blastness se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para nuestro hotel. El Sistema Central de Reservas ha simplificado significativamente nuestro proceso de reserva, garantizando una experiencia fluida y eficiente tanto para el personal como para los huespedes. Rate Shopper nos ha brindado una valiosa ventaja al proporcionar actualizaciones en tiempo real sobre las tarifas de la competencia, lo que nos permite ajustar nuestra estrategia de precios de forma dinamica. El sistema de Inteligencia de Mercado ofrece una gran cantidad de informacion, lo que nos ayuda a tomar decisiones informadas basadas en las tendencias y pronosticos del mercado. Ademas, los servicio ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 13 meses
... He estado usando los sistemas RMS e Intelligence de Blastness desde hace un tiempo y la plataforma es realmente intuitiva y sencilla. Diariamente recibo recomendaciones de tarifas que con solo pres ...
Ver reseña completaroom division & sales manager
hace 13 meses
... Desde que Blastness creo mi sitio web y comence a usar su motor de reservas, he visto excelentes resultados en terminos de reservas directas. Su BE tiene todas las herramientas y funciones necesarias par ...
Ver reseña completaGeneral Manager
hace 12 meses
... Blastness ha sido un socio realmente valioso en nuestro viaje de crecimiento y nos brindo una solucion integral para ayudarnos a aumentar las ventas y los margenes de ganancias. Su programa de asociacion esta estructurado de manera que podamos obtener acce ...
Ver reseña completaOwner
hace 12 meses
... Contrate a Blastness para hacer mi sitio web y aumentar mi visibilidad en linea y estoy muy contento con los resultados. Ellos manejan las campanas de PPC por nosotros y hemos visto un gran ...
Ver reseña completaDOSM
hace 11 meses
... La integracion entre Blastness y nuestro PMS ofrece una distribucion online sencilla, con un aumento de las reservas directas y de los ingresos generales. El mejor y super facil motor de reservas. ...
Ver reseña completaDirector
hace 11 meses
... Grandes sistemas para grandes actuaciones. ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 10 meses
... Gracias a Blastness es mas facil gestionar las tarifas y la disponibilidad de las habitaciones. Ademas, cada dia tendras pleno conocimiento del avance de la estructura gracias a los informes diarios que se ...
Ver reseña completaCOO
hace 10 meses
... Todavia hay margen de crecimiento pero estoy seguro de que juntos haremos grandes cosas. ¡avanza! ...
Ver reseña completaBooking dpt Manager
hace 9 meses
... Suite Blastness es el mejor sistema de gestion de ingresos que he usado. La interfaz es increiblemente facil de usar y la capacidad de administrar tarifas y disponibilidad en tiempo real cambia ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 8 meses
... En el panorama ferozmente competitivo de la industria hotelera, una presencia online cautivadora es esencial para impulsar las reservas y maximizar los ingresos. Reconociendo esto, nos asociamos con ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 8 meses
... El sistema de gestion de ingresos es imprescindible para cualquier hotel que busque maximizar sus beneficios. Es facil de usar y proporciona informacion util. Utilizamos los servicios que ofrece Blastness a diario ...
Ver reseña completaReception Manager
hace 8 meses
... reservas, canal, distribucion, reservas ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 7 meses
... Mas control a traves del sistema central de reservas. La informacion proporcionada nos ayuda a organizar mejor las campanas de marketing. Facil de usar. El equipo de soporte es muy competente y ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 7 meses
... La interfaz de Suite Blastness es increiblemente facil de usar, facil de entender y usar. Gracias al sistema de reservas central, se ha vuelto mas facil administrar las tarifas y la ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Owner
hace 7 meses
... Nos quedamos impresionados con el algoritmo S2. La herramienta de inte ...
Ver reseña completaSales & Booking Manager
hace 5 meses
... Gestion de reservas eficiente y organizada ...
Ver reseña completaManager
hace 3 meses
... Mayor flexibilidad para modificar la tarifa de una sola categoria de habitacion. El resto de herramientas no requieren ningun cambio. ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 3 meses
... El servicio de atencion al cliente atento es el verdadero punto fuerte de Blastness, siempre presente para cualquier tipo de ayuda y estrategias a medida. ...
Ver reseña completaFront Of House Manager
hace 3 meses
... Blastness ha sido un socio invaluable para optimizar las operaciones de nuestro hotel. Sus sistemas de re ...
Ver reseña completaInterfaz de usuario
Hoteliers often praise Blastness’s central reservation system (CRS) for its user interface, highlighting its ease of use and intuitive navigation that accommodates even those with limited experience. The visual design is frequently described as modern, captivating, and meticulously detailed, with elegant graphics and a harmonious color palette that quickly draws attention. While generally intuitive, there are suggestions for enhancing customizability, particularly in the reservation process and alerts/notifications, to better fit diverse needs. Overall, the interface is recognized as accessible and welcoming, making management straightforward for users.
hace 13 meses
... Si bien los sistemas ofrecen funcionalidad, una interfaz mas facil de usar mejoraria la experiencia general. Mejorar el flujo de naveg ...
Ver reseña completaroom division & sales manager
hace 13 meses
... Desde que Blastness creo mi sitio web y comence a usar su motor de reservas, he visto excelentes resultados en terminos de reservas directas. Su BE tiene todas las herramientas y funciones necesarias para aumentar la tasa de conversion. El sitio web que crearon con su sistema de gestion de contenido patentado tambien tiene un alto rendimiento y se ve mu ...
Ver reseña completaGeneral Manager
hace 12 meses
... Seria fantastico tener un panel que mostrara informacion detallada sobre el desempeno de los puntos de venta de alimentos y bebidas. ...
Ver reseña completaBooking dpt Manager
hace 9 meses
... Suite Blastness es el mejor sistema de gestion de ingresos que he usado. La interf ...
Ver reseña completaHotel Manager
hace 8 meses
... En el panorama ferozmente competitivo de la industria hotelera, una presencia online cautivadora es esencial para impulsar las reservas y maximizar los ingresos. Reconociendo esto, nos asociamos con ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 8 meses
... El sistema de gestion de ingresos es imprescindible para cualquier hotel que busque maximizar sus beneficios. Es facil de usar y proporciona informacion util. Utilizamos los servicios que ofrece Blastness a diario y nuestro trabajo ha mejorado mucho. En detalle, cro nos permite enviar cotizaciones a nuestros Huespedes de m ...
Ver reseña completaReceptionist
hace 7 meses
... Mas control a traves del sistema centr ...
Ver reseña completaSales & Booking Manager
hace 5 meses
... Seria util si hubiera mas opciones para personalizar el proceso de reserva para adaptarlo mejor a nuestras necesidades y requerimientos. ...
Ver reseña completareception manager
hace 4 meses
... Seria util que el sistema ofreciera mas funciones para gestionar reservas de grupos y el grafico del panel podria ser mas moderno. ...
Ver reseña completaManager
hace 3 meses
... Mayor flexibilidad para modificar la tarifa de una sola categoria de habitacion. El resto de herramientas no requieren ningun cambio. ...
Ver reseña completaFront Of House Manager
hace 3 meses
... Si bien Blastness ofrece excelentes herramientas, este enfoque colaborativo nos ayudaria a crecer juntos y maximizar el potencial de la plataforma. Seria util si hubiera mas opciones para personali ...
Ver reseña completaPopularidad por Segmento
7 | Extra pequeño (1-9 habitación)
23 | Pequeño (10-24 habitación)
32 | Mediano (25-74 habitación)
19 | Grande (75-199 habitación)
1 | Extra grande (200+ habitación)
75 | Italy
1 | Malaysia
1 | India
1 | United States of America
1 | Canada
1 | Greece
1 | Algeria
37 | Lujo
31 | Boutique
28 | Centro Urbano
22 | Alojamiento - Desayuno y Posada
21 | Centro turístico
15 | Aeropuerto/Conferencia
15 | Servicio Limitado y Presupuesto
14 | De Marca
8 | Alquileres Vacacionales y Villas
6 | Estancia Prolongada y Apartamentos Con Servicios
4 | Hostal
1 | Casino
76 | Europa
2 | Norteamérica
2 | Asia Pacífico
1 | África
55 | Motor de reservas
54 | Sistemas de gestión de ingresos
40 | Gestores de canales
33 | Sistemas de reservas de hoteles
21 | Diseño de sitios web
11 | Tarifa de compras
8 | Agencias de Marketing Digital
7 | Inteligencia de negocios
6 | Herramientas de reserva directa
1 | Paridad de tarifas hoteleras
¿No encontraste lo que buscabas?
Blastness no tiene beneficios ni casos de uso disponibles
Gestión de contenido
Reglas de precios
Comercio electrónico
Centro de llamadas
Complementos y módulos disponibles
Oficina Central de Reservas
Herramientas de reserva directaSistema Central de Reservas
Sistemas de reservas de hotelesRecomendado por
La puntuación de tendencia de este proveedor está aumentando, Blastness CRS es el producto con mayor tendencia #2 en la categoría Sistemas de reservas de hoteles (de 44) y el #119 del ecosistema tecnológico hotelero global. HTR evalúa la actividad del proveedor en tiempo real en el mercado para dar a los compradores una idea de si un producto está ganando impulso.
Más informaciónBlastness los trámites de atención al cliente aún no han sido verificados por Hotel Tech Report.
Learn more about this achievement in the official press releaseEste vendedor ha conseguido el Diploma de Excelencia que se otorga a los vendedores que ofrecen ejemplos de culturas transparentes y son muy recomendados por sus clientes. Para más información, acuda al centro de ayuda.
Learn about the criteria required to achieve HotelTechReport's Certificate of ExcellenceHotel Tech Score es una clasificación compuesta con señales clave como: satisfacción del usuario, cantidad de reseñas, reseñas recientes e información enviada por el vendedor para que los compradores puedan entender mejor sus productos.
Learn how HotelTechReport uses millions of proprietary datapoints to rank the best hotel software in the worldRecomendado para
Este producto tiene un precio en línea con el producto promedio en la categoría, lo que generalmente indica que es un producto estándar con funcionalidades estándar diseñadas para operaciones y casos de uso típicos y propiedades.
Obtener una estimación instantánea de precio
Ingrese la cantidad de habitaciones para obtener una estimación instantánea de precio para su propiedad
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Estudios de caso de Blastness
Blastness no tiene estudios de caso disponibles
"Managing the Group's hotels and resorts is a complex process, but thanks to the Business Intelligence and Revenue Management platforms that Blastness provides, we have been able to constantly improve our results for 9 years. Being able to consult the booking trends of the entire group from a single platform guarantees synergic monitoring of the different structures and optimises performance. The clear and easy to consult data displayed and the possibility to intervene immediately on the sales strategies of rooms in the digital world make it easy to adjust to any sudden changes in the scenario."
"I have been working with Blastness for many years and it has been a very good choice. During this long time working together we have grown together both in terms of professionalism and in production, after starting out with a few technological applications we now handle all of our five hundred rooms with the services that Blastness provides. The most important thing is that Blastness provides a group of professionals who apply themselves with passion to their work, putting relationships and human contact first. These young people show that, even at this time when personal relationships and those with clients are difficult, computerisation can co-exist with the basic values of personal relationships, respect and friendship."
"Professionalisms, willingness to help and partnership are certainly three characteristics that can be found in the Blastness team. I am happy with the work done so far and sure that I can further improve the results that have been achieved to date."
"Over time, Blastness has always, and increasingly, shown itself to be an efficient, flexible partner, and - something that is certainly not a secondary issue - one that is made of real people. So all round it is a tool, or rather a series of tools, but above all it is a team. At this point we couldn't do without our partnership."
"We found a work group with whom we can grow together, sharing the knowledge and also the risk of running a company nowadays. At this point they are an integral part of our company."
"Our collaboration with this company has been the culmination of my work in the hotel business. For over ten years we have been meeting the continuous changes determined by digitalisation together with Blastness, and we have always been backed by a team of experts who are extremely well qualified and are available to the hotel just as if they were our own internal staff. I have always felt like a partner and never like a client, and in every programme, NERO Hotels first of all, which for me represents the best approach to hospitality."
"I have been collaborating with Blastness for over 15 years on several partnership projects with different needs and sometimes in complex destinations and we have always achieved all the predetermined results, thanks to a deep technological knowledge of electronic distribution and the creativity and reliability of a carefully assembled team that always keep the focus on human relationships."
"The Parco dei Principi uses nearly all their tools/services: web design, booking engine, business intelligence, channel manager, PMS integration and web marketing. We are also very satisfied with the assistance from a dedicated team that constantly assists us with great willingness and professionalism and backs us in executing projects. So, to conclude, it is a WIN-WIN partnership."
"It feels as if it were yesterday when, in 2010, we started working together in partnership. Since then there have been a series of increases in turnover, and continuous professional success year after year, beating our own most ambitious expectations. Everything that has been done by the Blastness team, during these years was of vital importance in meeting goals; nothing was left to chance, and everything was carefully researched and assessed and, above all, discussed with us."
"When you have to check sales optimisation in relation to demand, occupation rates and the targets of eleven hotels, the FOX business intelligence platform, together with all the reporting, is one of the tools that we cannot do without. And I should definitely stress the high level of training and availability of the entire staff, who are always ready to help us in sorting out the requests from the company."
"Borgo San Felice has been working with Blastness since 2005, but it was only in 2016 that a major reorganisation project was launched, connecting all the systems and planning a revenue analysis in order to maximise sales through the hotel's website. The results have been excellent, thanks to constant cooperation between the two companies. Blastness' continual investments have allowed us to shorten the time taken to achieve our goals even further. Today we are preparing for the new challenges ahead, knowing that digital development will continue. The support that Blastness provides is absolutely vital for us."
"I have been using the systems and services supplied by Blastness for over ten years (in various hotel companies). I have always been able to make use of a Senior Revenue Manager, a creative office which specialises in hospitality, business intelligence platforms like FOX, a team of SEO specialists and web engineers, which makes Blastness an absolutely vital strategic partner for developing your business, whether in a small hotel or medium-to-large ones. Finally, their partnership with Google can only create added value."
"I am proud to have believed in Blastness and in the people at Blastness from the foundation of the company, which has been able to win, maintain and grow the regard and esteem in which it is held year by year. The results are there to be seen, with tangible proof. Undisputedly the number one in Italy."
"We have been working with Blastness for many years and we, like them, have evolved in a world that is changing faster and faster. Our mutual esteem with Andrea Delfini led us to bring our efficient teams together to explore new goals, putting all the technological know-how developed over the years by Blastness at the service of our creativity."
"With a tailor-made project we started off on this path, from which we are already getting the first results (which it should be said were immediate) both in revenue terms and also from our professional viewpoint. The approach to a new "sales" approach always brings disarray in well-established systems, but thanks to both the technological and consulting support, the move has been practically painless. We find that the Blastness experience is more than positive, and we hope that it will be so even more in the future."
"I feel that Blastness products involving technology, consultancy work and know-how for business development in the modern hotel business, with their 360-degree vision, are cutting edge. I also feel that the professionalism and skill of the Blastness team is of primary importance: it is a vital support for creating and stimulating new and wide-ranging sales programmes in synergy with our partners."
"I have been using Blastness consultancy since June 2017 and thanks to their guidance on revenue management I have significantly increased the revenue from our site."
"In Blastness we have found a partner that has believed in the potential of electronic distribution and above all in our Apogia Hotels chain website. Over the past few years we have managed to significantly increase direct sales levels in our seaside hotels, which have over 1500 rooms on the Adriatic coast. The Google brand protection campaigns have produced especially good results, and revenue volumes that are far beyond any expectation, so as to help a gradual and profitable disintermediation process."
"The package of services offered by Blastness is complete and easy to use. The usability of all their products has notably improved daily operations, both in the office and out, thanks to the extremely useful FOX app. The customer help service is always courteous and ready to assist you."
"For the past three years we have enjoyed a partnership based on the professionalism of young people who are always up to date and aware of the continual changes and technological developments. They have allowed us to reach gratifying results in terms of visibility and bookings confirmed online. For the next few years we already have plans in place that will help us to make our sales channel more productive compared with everyone else's. We strongly believe that hotel sites can become the real stars in the direct sale of their rooms."
"Skill, professionalism, absolute willingness to help and quick replies, and – above all – the ability to get round obstacles, both large and small. That is the real value added we have found in Blastness from the start of our partnership. All that has been translated into concrete and tangible results. We consider Blastness our left hand, and together we can applaud our successes, both present and future."
"I feel that Blastness products involving technology, consultancy work and know-how for business development in the modern hotel business, with their 360-degree vision, are cutting edge. I also feel that the professionalism and skill of the Blastness team is of primary importance: it is a vital support for creating and stimulating new and wide-ranging sales programmes in synergy with our partners."
"Hotel digitalisation is at an historic turning point. The major hotel companies have already equipped themselves with tools and resources to manage this process, while independent hotels like ours rely on professionals like Blastness, our long-standing partner. Blastness provides technical support for rate management, market analysis, competitor monitoring and optimisation of direct bookings from the site, helping us to achieve our objectives."
"I would like to mention the people: it is nice to think that a company that provides services that are so technologically advanced is made up of people that you can interact with. I like the idea that Blastness is the best supplier of services and technology in its field, but above all I think of those people who help us and support us every day (and also put up with us)."
"Business Intelligence is a valuable tool that allows us to use real-time data to plan and verify all our business strategies. In order to always be on the ball and not leave anything to chance, it is essential to be able to process and use data quickly and easily. The RMS system, based on internal and external data, provides us with targeted and easily applicable suggestions. The integration of all the systems provided by Blastness allows us to implement our strategies with just a few clicks. It is precisely thanks to data analysis that the PPC campaigns made by Blastness are also successful. Knowing which customers to target and, above all, when, allowed us to have a really high conversion rate. We only started doing PPC campaigns a few years ago, but over time we have noticed that performance has grown in double figures year after year."
"I find that the really lucky thing about our partnership with Blastness, which now goes many years, has been to consider them not as a supplier but as a partner with which to share sales strategies, analyse progress and find common satisfaction in results. Top-level technology, and highly qualified staff, who are attentive and innovative."
"The Metropole has been working with Blastness for many years now and the relationship is both solid and fruitful. The team stands out because of its professionalism, skill and constant availability, which are vital qualities in our daily relationship, together with being genuinely nice! Over time we have customised a lot of our work tools, and now we can’t do without them and there is constant support from the team."
"We couldn't do without Blastness now! They stand out not just because of their continually updated tools, which are easy to use but also because of the willingness to help and how nice they are."
"We had been looking for a reliable and competent partner for some time who could help us improve our revenue and online sales strategy, someone who would not only provide us with the tools but also the know-how to embark on a path of improvement and performance. Blastness immediately grasped this need and offered us collaboration and consultancy in line with what we had in mind and the objectives we had set ourselves."
"We began our partnership with Blastness about ten years ago, in a very different environment in terms of online sales. Since then, they have provided excellent strategic support and sales tools that are especially flexible and have enabled us to considerably reduce intermediation costs and to increase direct sales volumes through our website. We have always found Blastness to be an opposite number that is ready to listen to our requirements and to develop solutions that can adapt to the specific needs of our firm."
"We have had Blastness as a partner for various different projects and in different situations. The established, long-standing relationship with Blastness with our hotels has always featured a high level of professionalism linked to flexibility and their ability to adapt to a wide range of needs."
"Blastness has been, and will definitely be in the future, a partner for Riva del Sole Resort & Spa which has brought development and unparalleled benefits, with increases in turnover and profits beyond every expectation. As far as we are concerned it isn't just any other service provider, but an excellent partner, with highly skilled and dedicated staff, as well as great ethical sense."
"The partnership with Blastness began a few months ago and we have not been disappointed, as we immediately found the same passion, vision of growth and development for the world of tourism. The services and technical assistance are competent and specialised with detailed statistics and close collaboration for sales strategies. I can state with absolute certainty that I have chosen a complete, all-round partner."
"We started working with Blastness in 2021 and the feedback is positive both in terms of revenues and tools. Thanks to Blastness we have optimized revenues and achieved relevant goals, and - last but not least - our contact people have always been helpful, efficient and professional."
"Twelve months has passed since the implementation of the Blastness CRS at the Brunelleschi and it is time to take stock: we are very happy. We have found an online reservation system that finalises the work done on our website and which allows us significant scope for customisation. The implementation of Blastness CRS, the link with the channels, the personalisation of the IBE, the configuration of the GDS have meant a lot of work and have put the team under stress, but I can now say that I have taken the right decision at a historic moment at the Brunelleschi."
"We have been working with Blastness for several years and we have found them to be willing to help, professional, courteous and quick."
"A dynamic, young company which has great professionalism and skill. A partner that would be impossible to replace."
"I have been using all of the Blastness services with complete satisfaction for ten years. They are a vital tool in running daily business and profitability for my boutique hotel. The high quality of the assistance, the willingness and professional training of their team make Blastness the number one firm in Italy in the sector."
"Blastness is a partner that helps us to grow and stimulates us to always do more. The great professional level is only surpassed by the still greater human factor."
"In eight years working together with Blastness, we have been able to count on fundamental support for handling room rate strategies, as well as very powerful tools to closely follow the performance of the business and the sales channels. The result in terms of sales was confirmed with 20% average annual growth, especially on the direct sales channel, an excellent outcome for a boutique hotel like the Relais La Sommità. But perhaps more than the financial goals, the most important value lies in the quality of the relationship that is established with Blastness: a partner-friend, or rather, a friend-partner."
"We were looking for a partner to improve the online sale strategy and increase direct bookings: we struck gold with Blastness! Its services are complete and easy to use and their business intelligence allows you to have a daily control and a detailed analysis of the performances. The expertise and commitment of its team are a trumb card to achieve our shared goals"
"Right our first time working with Blastness I noticed that the potential of the products being offered would be the future of our sector. We appreciate the special attention to the client, and the excellent professional level of the Blastness team in skills involving revenue management, SEO and web design. Last but not least are the savings obtained from a continual increase in direct bookings."
"The digitisation of the hotel industry and the use of innovative technology are the best "allies" we could have today. For years, our company has been using the Blastness Revenue Management and Business Intelligence systems, which are extremely strategic and functional tools for our business. The support and strategies constantly recommended (such as Pay per click activities) have allowed us to achieve excellent results."
"Right from the first contact, Blastness has put over a feeling of competence and deep understanding of the Internet world and the best sales and revenue strategy to adopt. Willingness to help and the spirit of partnership characterise this company and its representatives."
"The Blastness system is very intuitive and easy to use, in terms of managing availability, pricing and offers. The Help Desk support and Assistance is always ready to provide the best technical information to manage all the products. Revenue consultancy is always ready to help us in short and long-term strategies."
"I think it is important to start again today in order to lay the foundations for a future that will be different from what we are used to. The pandemic has hit tourism hard and after a careful analysis of the market, we chose to partner with Blastness, an entirely Italian company that we already knew and that has had the greatest digital and communication growth in the sector in recent years. The stakes are high and we still don't know what the future holds, but we are certainly facing it with a partner that is up to the task of overcoming the toughest challenges."
"The Blastness platform manages to combine simplicity of use, scalability and effectiveness with complete business intelligence and revenue management tools. Blastness has been working together with the SINA Group for over ten years in developing electronic distribution with cutting-edge solutions and top-level customer assistance."
"Blastness, a long-standing partner of ours, is a dynamic company that is continually evolving and which, thanks to their technological know-how and highly professional staff, assists the hotel to develop its business by helping it to improve its sales performance."
"Blastness, a name that resounds as a point of reference and proven certainty, where professionalism and humanity converge in an indispensable combo. The choice to work in the world of Hotellerie, can only be validated and supported when you have the good fortune to select and then consolidate with certainty the relationship with a partner who chooses to routinely honor the trust placed in him as well as the relationship between the parties built. I advise all colleagues to discover the opportunities that the path brings."
"We thought carefully before choosing Blastness, but the choice has turned out to be very much a winning one: complete assistance in creating the website and, above all, an ideal partner in revenue analysis. Which is not to speak of continual, and sincere, willingness to help."
"Villa & Palazzo Aminta in Stresa use the services provided by Blastness on a daily basis with excellent results. We are very happy with the choice that we made and we will definitely recommend our other colleagues to consider moving to this system."
"The strong point of Blastness is innovation and flexibility, and that makes them stand out in the market. During these years we have implemented various different products and tried out new revenue management techniques. The products and the services that Blastness provides are customised according to our needs, and are designed to achieve the best result."
"Blastness represents an important point of reference for the entire Compagnie Des Hotels group, which currently has nearly 600 rooms. Blastness isn't just a supplier of excellent IT services; the company's main strength is its staff: their assistance, professionalism, training, the wish to reach common goals as well as constant support in creating tailor-made strategies are the elements that really make the group stand out."
"I was looking for a partner and found one in December 2015. I knew Piergiorgio from his previous experience in Naples and I knew of his unique thirst for knowledge and seriousness. They never let you go alone .... they are always one step ahead. What else can I say? Thanks, guys. Thanks Blastness #ioconblastness"
"At Blastness I found people who have taught me a lot in handling the world of hotel promotions and pricing, including marketing and revenue. Blastness isn't just a simple service supplier, but an excellent partner!"
"For me, Blastness is synonymous with dynamism, flexibility, and adaptability to any new kind of sales and marketing strategy that has to be implemented. At the same time, it is synonymous with stability and security, a guarantee for day-to-day work and future plans."
"I have used Blastness for around five years and they have always supported me in managing my business. It is an excellent booking engine, both simple and intuitive. The staff is excellent. I must, above all, thank their people for their professionalism and patience, as they are always ready to solve any kind of problem."
"We have been working with Blastness for just over a year and right from the start we have been very happy with our choice. It is a very good company with result-orientated professionals; the tools and the technology they provide are first class. I am delighted to have hired them."
"Blastness has been a partner that is able to anticipate and take the opportunities in the market. In a frenetic sector like tourism, it is vital to be able to have an integrated system that guarantees simple and efficient handling through a single control panel. The Blastness team is unequalled. They are creative, focussed on success and above all quick and intuitive and the Tridente Collection couldn't have found a better partner throughout all these years."
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Hoteliers like the Blastness Suite for its robust Central Reservation System, which simplifies booking management, increases direct bookings, and enhances rate management. The AI-driven pricing strategies and Market Intelligence provide actionable insights, driving a significant revenue increase. Hotels also appreciate the seamless system integrations and effective digital marketing. Some critique areas include the need for more customization options and integration features.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
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Gestión eficiente de reservas
Assistant manager de 100 to 199 habitación Cama y desayuno & Posada en Perugia (Italy)
Fácil de usar e intuitivo.
Owner de 10 to 24 habitación Cama y desayuno & Posada en Ponte di Legno (Italy)
Soporte y servicio excepcionales de Blastness
Front Of House Manager de 1 to 4 habitación Hotel boutique en Sirmione (Italy)
El servicio de atención al cliente atento es el verdadero punto fuerte de Blastness, siempre presente para cualquier tipo de ayuda y estrategias a medida. Herramientas muy eficientes. ¡Muy recomendables y resultados garantizados!
Hotel Manager de 10 to 24 habitación Hotel boutique en Cannigione (Italy)
¡Un producto conocido y excelente!
Reservation Agent de 25-49 habitación Hotel boutique en Torgiano (Italy)
Excelente asociación
Manager de 75-99 habitación Hotel de aeropuerto/Conferencias en Sorrento (Italy)
Proceso de reserva optimizado
reception manager de 25-49 habitación Hotel boutique en Alcamo (Italy)
Producto completo
Revenur Manager de 25-49 habitación Hotel de marca en Spoleto (Italy)
Gran experiencia, gran equipo!
Hotel Manager de 10 to 24 habitación Cama y desayuno & Posada en Ostuni (Italy)
Gestión de reservas eficiente y organizada
Sales & Booking Manager de 25-49 habitación Hotel de lujo en Ragusa (Italy)
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