Green Housekeeping workflow conserves energy and resources at Radisson Hotel Group

Verified case study Hotel Tech Report has reached out to hoteliers at Radisson Hotel Group to verify this case study.
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Today guests have much higher expectations when staying at hotels, they expect more than simply a nice overnight stay and ultimate luxury. They also want to minimize their ecological footprint as much as possible. Inge Huijbrechts, Global SVP Sustainability, Security and Corporate Communications at Radisson Hotel Group, explains the advantages of implementing sustainable measures in the daily hotel routine and how hotel companies of all sizes can contribute to a green future.
Why it matters: Radisson Hotel Group aims to be carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this, we have committed ourselves to the Science Based Targets laid out by the United Nations Climate Change Conference. This resulted in a fundamental transformation process within our hotel chain: We now need to convert our hotels into green buildings, use even more renewable energy and optimize all work procedures regarding their ecological footprint.
  • We use hotelkit quite extensively to improve our work procedures, make them more sustainable and to guide our employees towards a more ecological way of working.

Top 3 Core Objectives: The objectives include implementing sustainable procedures, such as turning off lights and providing one key card per room, to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, sustainable options for guests, like less frequent room cleaning, aim to further reduce energy usage.
  • Implement sustainable procedures: Turning off lights and appliances or giving guests only one key card per room.

  • Reduce energy consumption: Faulty appliances or those that are not maintained regularly consume an enormous amount of energy

  • Sustainable options for guests: Room cleaning takes place only every second or third day.


Housekeeping tool by hotelkit

Innovators Mentioned

Radisson Hotel Group
Patrick Apostolo
Hotel Tech Report reached out to Patrick Apostolo who verified this case study.

Corporate Operations & Business Transformation Director EMEA

Radisson Hotel Group

"Communication is key when it comes to the promotion of sustainable awareness in our team. Hotelkit simplifies all this for us as we can reach all employees on one centralized digital platform."

Patrick Apostolo

Corporate Operations & Business Transformation Director EMEA

👍 Corporate Operations & Business Transformation Director EMEA Patrick Apostolo said that Inge Huijbrechts, Global SVP Sustainability is certain that communication is key when it comes to the promotion of ecological awareness in the team. Hotelkit simplifies all this and all employees can be reached via one centralizes digital platform.:
  • "Communication is key when it comes to the promotion of sustainable awareness in our team. Hotelkit simplifies all this for us as we can reach all employees on one centralized digital platform."

⚖️ The selection process: During their research process, Patrick Apostolo evaluated hotelkit's product differentiators, customer support, and holistic value as a strategic partner and ultimately decided that hotelkit was the best fit solution:
  • Corporate Operations & Business Transformation Director EMEA Patrick Apostolo said, about their decision: "hotelkit was chosen after evaluation agains various other systems, and has so far been impleneted in 300+ Radisson Group Hotels."

📈 The results: hotelkit replaced the old communication system at the InterContinental Vienna and has since ensured optimal cooperation between the departments of the 5-star hotel. This saves time and decreases the workload for employees.
  • The hotelkit Green Housekeeping workflow saves a lot of expenses.

  • Guest can already inform the staff during the booking process that the room should only be cleaned on certain days, for example only every second or third day.

  • Via the seamless PMS integration, this info is stored in the hotelkit Housekeeping Tool and marked with the label “Green Housekeeping”, this way, the cleaning crew knows exactly which rooms do not need to be cleaned on an everyday basis.

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