Cloud-based revenue management solutions without limits

Hotelitix (ApprAIse RMS)

5.0 (4 REVIEWS)

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Hotelitix (ApprAIse RMS)

5.0 (4 REVIEWS)

Unranked in Revenue Management Systems

Real time, automatic, rate optimization giving you the best possible pricing strategy to drive more revenue on every booking.

More than 50% of Hotelitix’s reviews come from United States of America.

What is Hotelitix?

Founded in 2019 | Headquarters in Miami (United States) | 10 employees
Hotelitix (ApprAIse RMS) is a sophisticated revenue management system designed to optimize hotel pricing and demand forecasting. Utilizing artificial intelligence, probabilistic modeling, and regression analysis, it helps hoteliers predict demand levels and make strategic pricing decisions. By analyzing thousands of data points, Hotelitix enables properties to set optimal rates at the right times, maximizing bookings and revenue. This platform seamlessly integrates with current operations, offering an easy-to-use interface that enhances decision-making and operational efficiency for hotel managers and revenue strategists.

Hotelitix (ApprAIse RMS) Alternatives

Not sure if Hotelitix is right for your hotel? Here are similar Revenue Management Systems vendors that could be a good fit for your hotel:



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Pricing Optimization

4/5 features

Market Intelligence & Forecasting

4/5 features

Dashboards & Reporting

4/5 features


4/5 features

Multi-Property Functionality

4/5 features

Hotelitix Reviews Summary

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Trending Product

This vendor's trending score is rising, Hotelitix (ApprAIse RMS) is the #37 most trending product in the Revenue Management Systems category (out of 65) and the #1029 most trending product overall in the global hotel tech ecosystem. HTR assesses vendor's real time activity in the market to give buyers a sense of whether a product is gaining momentum

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Certified Support

Hotelitix’s customer support processes haven’t yet been verified by Hotel Tech Report.

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This vendor has not met the minimum criteria for the Certificate of Excellence which is awarded to vendors who exemplify transparent cultures and come highly recommended by their clients. For more information, please see the help center.

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Hotelitix Pricing

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Hotelitix has opted not to share general pricing on their profile but you can request a quote below. Often this is an indicator that pricing is flexible so it is recommended that you obtain multiple price quotes to negotiate.

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Hotelitix Reviews

Hotelier Rating

Very Good

Property Size

  • Large (4)


  • United States of America
    United States of America


  • North America
    North America

Love it!!

Sales Manager from 100 to 199 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Nashville (United States of America)

4 years ago
I am very happy with Hotelitix and the way it's helping us recover from the pandemic. The booking window for our market has been changing quite a lot but this system knows it and changes our rates if we start filling up too fast, especially on weekends. I like to go in there at least once a day to keep an eye on the basics, see recent reser...
Country United States of America
Sales Manager
Large Hotel

I'm very happy I chose Hotelitix.

GM from 75-99 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Rome (United States of America)

5 years ago
The system is helping me a lot when it comes to setting rates and checking on the comp set. I can see very clearly where i'm gaining or losing room nights. Business has been really tough with a huge amount of cancellations due to the pandemic and I can't imagine going through it without their system.
Country United States of America
Large Hotel

The autopilot feature works great

Owner from 100 to 199 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Nashville (United States of America)

5 years ago
We can stay on top of our competitor's rates and know exactly when they change them. The autopilot feature works great. It keeps our rates competitive so we don't lose out on ADR as things change in the market.
Country United States of America
Large Hotel

Great Revenue Management System and huge time saver

General Manager from 100 to 199 room Bed & Breakfast & Inn in Nashville (United States of America)

5 years ago
We decided to go with Hotelitix after looking at a few Revenue Management Systems. We can track performance for each market segment and better understand how our booking window changes throughout the year. It's saving us a lot of time because now instead of pulling 4 different reports we can just open their app and we have all the informati...
Country United States of America
General Manager
Large Hotel
  • 1

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What does this product or service do well?


Hotelitix simplifies and automates a complicated yet crucial task, accurately forecasting pricing to drive more revenue. Using modern data analytics and AI to analyze hundreds of thousands of data points and patterns every second, Hotelitix identifies opportunities to maximize hotel bookings and profit in real time.


What differentiates this product or service from the competition?


The time-saving solution pulls all the data a revenue manager needs into a single place, improving data tracking for enhanced transparency and business acumen. During development of our integration with Hotelitix, the team was very responsive and obviously take pride in their product.


Based on your experience with this product or service, if you could give one piece of advice to a hotelier considering this product or service, what would it be?


As mentioned above, the team behind Hotelitix is committed to their product and ongoing product improvement. They truly care about their partners and are invested in their success. It was a pleasure setting this integration up with them.

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Sarah Duguay Marketing Specialist @ WebRezPro
Sarah Duguay Marketing Specialist @ WebRezPro
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Property Management Systems

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Property Management Systems

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Hotel Management Software
Clock Software
Clock Software

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Property Management Systems

0% recommended by 0 hotels

Property Management Systems



Hotelitix has not yet had their customer support processes certified by Hotel Tech Report. We recommend referencing the GCSC rubric during your demo call to make sure that this vendor has strong processes in place to support customers.

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